I did not spot it at the time but I had written to the Office Manager of the MP for South Shields on the 24th February explaining how and why the Head of Development Services had overwritten ‘the complaint‘ with one of his own so he could reintroduce unauthorised faulty drawings to replace the faultless approved ones.
The unauthorised faulty drawings were needed to con the Local Government Ombudsman into finding for the Council and UK Docks rather than the local residents.
Mr Palmer had conned me into thinking he was the MP’s new Office Manager. I’ve asked him who he is, officially speaking, but he declines to answer. All I know is that he is a colleague of the MP’s Office Manager.
Email with attachment sent before it was completed rattling both the Monitoring Officer and Mr Palmer judging by their responses within the next couple of hours. The attachment was titled Dishonesty at the Town Hall and the email concludes, “I think your predecessor has been most unfair in passing you the poisoned chalice when it should really have been passed to the Chief Executive” |
07:34 | Re: Complaint: 248789 – Unplanned Development on River Drive From: mick.dawson@theharbourview.co.uk Date: 26/02/2020 (07:34:00 BST) To: Nicola Robason 1 Attachment: Dear Nicola 5-Dec-19.pdf Dear Nicola, Thank you for confirming that UK Docks have never been granted permission, retrospectively or not, for the shed we now see on River Drive. The question remains why did they tell Councillor Hamilton and the MP for South Shields some time in March or April 2019 that they had permission for their shed. If you look at the background ..end of email |
09:00 | RE: Correspondence with the Office of Emma Lewell-Buck From: Nicola Robason Date: 26/02/2020 (09:00:57 BST) To: mick.dawson@theharbourview.co.uk The first communication from her since 19-Dec-19 She Says, I confirm that Mr. Harding has now retired from the Council, which is why his email won’t be active. It remains the case that all complaints procedures relating to this matter have been exhausted both internally within the Council and externally. Mr Harding was the previous Monitoring Officer and he left his post with the email of 19-July-19 unanswered and also its attachment: DearMH19-Jun-19.pdf . |
10:06 | Emails to the Office of Emma Lewell-Buck MP From: Buck Simon Date: 26/02/2020 (10:06:07 BST) To: mick.dawson@theharbourview.co.uk Misuse of a Parliamentary Code dealing with MPs and their staff- see introduction. |
10:35 | Fwd: UK Dock’s Slipway Enclosure and STC Council. From: mick.dawson@theharbourview.co.uk Date: 26/02/2020 (10:35:09 BST) To: Nicola Robason, Simon Buck Nicola and Simon, Thank you both for your emails this morning before you go any further I suggest you both read what I said to the Monitoring Officer and what led to it. Note that he, Mr Harding I believe at that time, never even acknowledged the receipt of it, 7-May-19. I said, “I shall be responding to you both in due course and until Mr Palmer removes me from the blacklist that he has created I(‘ll) keep on repeating to all that his actions remind me more of coercive control than anything else. Michael Dawson. |
11:00 & 11:06 |
Fwd: Correspondence with the Office of Emma Lewell-Buck From: mick.dawson@theharbourview.co.uk Date: 26/02/2020 (11:00:43 BST) To: Nicola Robason Attachment: Dear Nicola 5-Dec-19.pdf Then (11:06:10 BST), CC: Simon Buck, Emma Lewell-Buck MP Complete email resent to Nicola (CC a few minutes later to Simon Buck and Emma as MP) explaining that as the shed was 3m taller than planned and the Council said it was not, it was unreasonable to say, “It remains the case that all complaints procedures relating to this matter have been exhausted both internally within the Council and externally.”Neither of the copies to Emma or Simon bounced but when I ran a check a month later Emma’s were being bounced by mimecast.com propriety software introduced by Mr Palmer. |
The misuse of the Parliamentary Code by Simon Buck was his second email since he wrote asking me for my home phone number give to Mr Palmer. The first appears to have been dictated to him by Mr Palmer and is an ill thought out piece of work which shows incompetency if not a willingness to accept a pack of lies as being true. |
Postscript: The ‘Monitoring Officer’ is a newish post, first filled by the Head of Legal Services. He never responded to anything and the post has now been taken over by the Head of Corporate and External Affairs and it appears that planning and building control are equally happy to give her the same misinformation/misrepresentation that they gave to the Ombudsman four years before.
The post of the Monitoring Officer was introduced about four years ago and given to the Head of Legal Services for some reason but it proved to be unworkable and the posts were separated some time in 2019 when I was advised the the post of Monitoring Officer had been passed to Nicola Robason. Judging by her replies the same people that had been misleading the Ombudsman were telling the same tales to her and she is stuck with repeating:
It remains the case that all complaints procedures relating to this matter have been exhausted both internally within the Council and externally. – July 2020