Date: 10/09/2015
Our ref: ST/0461/14/FUL
This matter is being dealt with by:
Garry Simmonette on 0191 4247426
e-mail address:
Dear Sir/Madam
Proposal: Demolition of the existing single storey office block and workshop/winch house with additional office and storage accommodation on its roof. The existing buildings will be replaced with a new 2 storey office block, workshop with winch house and mezzanine floor to provide a staff canteen, managers office, kitchen and sanitary facilities, an extension to the existing boat shed, an additional boat shed (to match existing) and a new jetty. The existing vehicular access is to be relocated.
Location: UK Docks, Tyne Slipway & Engineering Co. Ltd., River Drive, South Shields, NE33 1LH
I refer to my previous letter in which I offered you the opportunity to give your views on the above application. I am writing to inform you of the receipt of additional information and amended plans, and would welcome any written views or comments you would like to make. I would prefer it if you could send any views that you may have about these proposals to me by e-mail to Alternatively you can send your views by letter to the Town Hall and Civic Offices address given below. Please quote the reference number at the top of this letter. Whether you respond on-line, by e-mail or by letter, please ensure that you provide your postal address.
The application, additional information and amended plans can be viewed at They can also be viewed at the Customer Service Centre in the Town Hall and Civic Offices, Westoe Road, South Shields (Broughton Road Entrance) between 8.30am and 5pm on Mondays to Thursdays, and between 8.30am and 4.30pm on Fridays. They can be made available for inspection at other times if you arrange it with us in advance. If you have particular difficulties with these arrangements, please contact the case officer (see details at the top of this letter) and we may be able to make alternative arrangements.
If no reply is received within 21 days from the date of this letter, the application will be determined on the assumption that you do not wish to submit any further observations.
Yours faithfully
George Mansbridge
Head of Development Services
Planning Group
South Tyneside Council, Town Hall & Civic Offices,
Westoe Road, South Shields, Tyne & Wear, NE33 2RL