TGA – Chair to Mem

Received on 16/10/2013

Member of Tyne Gateway Association,

You will be aware from the e-mail from the Secretary, that a meeting has been called as requested. As such can you outline what exactly it is that you are proposing to cover and achieve at the meeting; it would obviously be of benefit to have a full agenda prepared to structure the meeting. I am fully aware of the situation at the Tyne Slipway, but am also aware that planning permission was granted by the council in 1996 as per the planning application; whilst the structure is obviously a major obstruction with regard to our view over the river I am not entirely sure what can be done at this point. If anything can be done at this point I have no doubt that it would be supported by the members of the Tyne Gateway. As an aside to that, I have no problem with calling a meeting at any point, or for any specific reason, but I do not take kindly to the bullish tone of your e-mails; I understand your concerns as a neighbour and resident – I do not have any conflict of interests and am not sure what would make you think such a thing.


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