Date: 09/05/22, 09:16:44 BST From: To: Jonathan Tew Cc: Nicola Robason, Emma Lewell-Buck MP, Anne-Marie Trevelyan MP, Alison Hoy, Hayley Johnson, John Rumney Attachment: Detail-SandC-15.pdf (64 KB)
Dear Mr Tew,
Please accept my apologies for not including you in the circulation of my the email/letter of the 29th April to your Monitoring Officer about the height of UK Docks’ shed on their slipway off River Drive. I was about to correct it when I received a response from Alison Hoy, your Information and Feedback Officer, within 15 minutes of sending shed and Corruption – Part 14.
Ms Hoy’s response appears to answer the question posed at the end of the email [to NR] and it seems to be the officer in charge of Customer Advocacy if it is not herself:-
Mr Swales had retired by the time of Paula’s false accusations so who asked them to be made.I believe and sincerely hope it was not you.
To save me sending S and C- Part 14 again, your Monitoring Officer, Ms Hoy or Mrs Johnson should be able to pass you a copy.
I had hoped to be giving details of the exchange of correspondence I had with the MP’s Office Staff in Part 15 but the ill considered interruption [by AH] meant I had to reinforce many of the points raised in the previous episodes or parts.
It looks to me that a decision was made to hide the fact that the shed was nearly 3m taller than planned so that UK Docks could get their longer shed by avoiding having to make a planning application retrospectively.
It meant that someone had to give misinformation to the Ombudsman and because they were caught doing so, a scheme was hatched by your predecessor to first malign the good citizens of South Shields and then to misuse a section of your staff code that deals with unacceptable behaviour: e.g. aggressive, abusive or offensive language or behaviours to discredit me. *
I had hoped that some reforms might be taking place, particularly when when I had a response from Leah on behalf of Ms Robason on 24th December 2020:
Thank you for your email regarding complaints you have raised with the Council. I am writing to acknowledge receipt and confirm that this matter will be looked into and you will receive a response week commencing 4th January.
I heard nothing until Paula Abbot’s email of the 29th April 2021 prompted, I believe by my review of the timeline that I had shared with Customer Advocacy since the Summer of 2014, Shed and Corruption – Parts 1 and 2.
Sadly Ms Hoy’s extension of misuse of Section 7 allows your staff to say whatever they like about UK Dock’s shed and myself for another year. Please see Shed and Corruption – Part 15 (Detail) which I have attached.
I hope you have enough control to put a stop to the corruption and I wish you luck.
Kind regards
Michael Dawson
* to discredit me – was missing from the original email.
The original post, Shed and Corruption – Part 15 can be downloaded but for those who just wish to know the current state of affairs, please see Review of Shed and Corruption Series 1-15.