From: Member of Tyne Gateway Association.
To: Chairman TGA
Cc: Committee Members, TGA
Sent: Wednesday, October 16, 2013 10:38 PM
Subject: Re: Request for SGM of Tyne Gateway
Request for SGM of Tyne Gateway
Dear Chairman,
In reply to your email sent earlier today, yes I am aware that a General Meeting has been called. I am a bit confused as to why this has not happened earlier as my first request was sent on 06/09/2013, and I was notified on the 12/10/2013 that an AGM had been arranged for 09/11/2013, 65 days after my initial request. I have attached the proposed agenda.
As have several other concerned residents, I have been in contact with STMBC since the start of the construction at the Tyne Slipway site, and several issues and inconsistencies have been noted by all of us. Your comment “…I am not entirely sure what can be done at this point.” is exactly why I requested a General Meeting, so that residents could share and discuss thoughts, information and facts, and collectively decide what action it was appropriate for the TGA to take.
In your last comment, if you have no problem calling a meeting why was my first email 06/09/2013, requesting a General Meeting ignored? My second email of 13/09/2013 met with an offer of a meeting of the committee, of which I am not a member, with two days notice. You made no reference to the memberships’ involvement or to the constitutional requirement of notice. I attached to my third email of 19/09/2013 a copy of Grant of Planning Permission and matching numbered drawings attached which clearly show a building of a different dimension to that presently under construction. This answered your questions in paragraph two of your email of earlier today but went ignored. My final email of 09/10/2013 was also ignored. If your interpretation of ‘bullish’ behaviour is for a member of a constituted group, in response to the Chairman of that group continually ignoring a legitimate request for a General Meeting, to repeatedly restate the request, then I am guilty as accused. With no relevant responses from yourself as Chairman of TGA to my emails and no General Meeting being called until recently I was left to ask if you had a conflict of interest. That is for you to say but in the absence of alternative explanation I could not understand your lack of response to my straightforward repeated requests for a general meeting, as provided for in the terms of the TGA constitution.
In response to your request: “As such can you outline what exactly it is that you are proposing to cover and achieve at the meeting; it would obviously be of benefit to have a full agenda prepared to structure the meeting” and in line with the Tyne Gateway Association constitution:
Agenda for the Tyne Gateway Association AGM 9th November 2013
Minutes of last AGM: accuracy and matters arising
Chair’s report on the activity of the TGA, 2012 – 2013
Secretary’s report on correspondence, membership and recruitment, 2012 – 2013
Treasurer’s Financial report, 2012 – 2013
Standing down of the Committee, acknowledgement and thanks for their work in the previous year
Election of the Committee
Election of Officers within the Committee
The Tyne Slipway development – discussion, questions, answers
Any other business
Date of next meeting
Close of meeting
I hope I have covered all your questions.
Kind regards,
Member of Tyne Gateway Association.