This page was for people who wished to add comments etc. but as the site is not secure the form has been removed. The site exists to counter the misinformation and misrepresentation given out by South Tyneside Council and is therefore mostly open.
To add anything about any development in South Shields that appears to have been done outside normal planning rules and regulations just send an email to mick.dawson at giving any references etc. and I will add the post or comment for you. It is also the best way to get corrections made.
I have never been asked to make any corrections in the eight years that the site has been in existence. MD Sept’ 21
It should be a given that that when when building inspectors are going about their business that they use approved plans but not so with the Building Control Officer for South Tyneside Council in charge of:- 71, Greens Place and UK Docks on River Drive.
While the site is being reorganised, here are some quick ways to find stuff by location, page or Posts.
Greens Place | The Beacon |
Long Row | River Drive |
Home Page | Contact Page |