Documents (some) relating to the Harbour View are in /evidence
– relabelled from /docs
- Enforcement – Planning and Building Control Enforcement Policy
- General-Statement-of-Enforcement-Policy
- South Tyneside Local Development Framework:
- STMBC – Shaping our Future South Tyneside Council Strategy was quoted in a complaint about noise.
- Subject: Planning what can and cannot be taken into account:
- This is the Council’s document identifying potential development sites across the borough. Page 15 is relevant for us. Note SAFT site still in.
- Unacceptable Noise Levels. Mandatory obligation to deal with our complaints with regard to noise, Noise Act 1996: - Noise and Health
- Environmental Health and Planning Enforcement STMBC.
- Uk Docks/Tyne Slipway For those that live nearby: expect this on your doorstep if the planned expansion of the Ship Repair Facility goes ahead.
- Nexus run the Ferries that are maintained by UK Docks.
- Corrupt Councillors LGO to get more teeth?
- Reporting serious fraud/bribery/corruption
- Criminal Fraud (Private Prosecutions) Bill 2017-19
- Officer jailed for section 106 planning gain fraud
- Code of Audit Practice
- Complaint Expert – Can we Trust the Ombudsman?
- 3 Types of misrepresentation
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