
The English Coastal Path arrives in Amble from the Coast along the quay from Hauxley and in 2014 provision was made for it to go onto the footpath that lead behind the marina then across the Braid and on toward Warkworth where the river Coquet could be crossed.

It still runs across field along side the marina but to get to it, one has to backtrack to the Pods (the twelve boxes on the right) and find ones way across a couple of car parks or go through the town.

One of the car parks appears to be one which is used by the  marina and the other is now the town’s as of  August 2022.

At one time one was able to to leave at  the edge of the marina and make ones way round the marina’s carpark but not now as the path has been given to the owner(s) of Radcliffes’ Lodge.