Disappearing Footpaths 2


I discovered at a Planning Meeting in Amble that the footpath round the flats overlooking Amble Marina could not be discussed because it came under ‘Rights of Way’ and the disturbing thing about this was that a site plan which had been drawn by no other than Mario Minchella Architects did not include the part of the footpath running alongside the Marina. – see South Sheilds, below.

An earlier site plan had showed the footpath running as far as the lamp post shown in the picture but it no longer seems to be available. One can only assume it is because the Council did not wish to explain the disappearance of the plan for the footpath in front of the 3 blocks of flats and that infront of the 4th block from where the picture of the apology sign was taken.

I made an enquiry about the obstruction of the footpath with the Planning Enforcement Officer, Robert Wilson but he found an excuse for not doing anything about it and closed my enquiry.

An earlier site plan had showed the footpath running the full side of the Marina facing the flats as shown in the photograph above but in the latest plans submitted, the footpath running around  flats and Radcliffes Lodge have gone.

Now we can the same thing happening in Amble as happened in South Shields where the footpath running along side the Tyne was given to the developer of the UtilityWise centre. It would appear that NCC Planning are preparing to give the footpath shown in the picture above to those in charge of the four blocks of flats and the owner of  Radcliffes Lodge.

In an earlier plan for Radcliffes Lodge by Mario Minchella the footpath is clearly shown to its east and south as, Existing Public Footpath to be Retained,  though it had become a promanade in front of the flats

We can now see the same thing happening in Amble as happened in South Shields. The footpath running along side the Marina in front of the flats, shown in the photograph above, will no longer exist when NCC accept the latest plan submitted by the Architects Michael Minchella and Co. of South Shields. It will have given away.

That plan appears to been replaced by a plan that does not even show the truncated footpath. It looks as if though the NCC Planning are removing all reference to the footpath (Site plan C) in preparation for its transfer to the developer of the Amble Boat Yard, Jon Tweddell.

MD, 18 May 2024