Sunday At the Shed

Denial re the use of the shed on a Sunday 2016-2017 and Conflation of the 5th with the 2nd Condition of Approval.
Dates Details with their URLs
Denial: Sunday Working

To: Complaints Subject: Re: Sunday Working by UK Docks, River Drive.
Dear Sir or Madam, This is the second time in a few weeks that they have been working on a Sunday. Please acknowledge this complaint as I wish to take the issue up with the ward Councillor who organised the meeting.
The response by Customer Advocacy was to conflate the Second and fifth Condition: With regards to the control of general working hours at the site, in respect of planning no restrictions exist. This matter was considered and responded to by the Local Government Ombudsman in response to the earlier complaint they investigated on your behalf.
My complaint to the Ombudsman was about the height and width of the shed not the use of the shed on a Sunday.

Please note: Conditions 1 to 4, not 5!

21-Dec Alison was quoting the Ombudsman who had been misinformed. The site may have no restricted hours but according to the grant, 1996:- Condition 5. No works, other than the launching or beaching of vessels, shall take place within the shelter between the hours of 7pm and 7am Monday to Saturday and not at all on Sundays or Bank Holidays unless any written consent of variation is previously given by the Development Corporation as local planning authority.
She also qouted from the a submission by Planning Officer, Gary Simmonette to the Planning Committee for permission to lengthen the shed:- 5.61 It would be unreasonable to seek to impose a planning condition restricting the working hours of the boat repair business or restricting the types of works associated with boat repairs at this application site, as it is an established boat repair yard.

It may be true of the site but not the shed.

22-Dec To Alison again:
· my complaint is about Sunday working;Sunday Working 18-Dec-16
· no feedback reference number has been provided – I need one for escalation;
· this has referred to you and not the Environmental Health Team;
· ‘allegations of noise nuisance’- As I understand it, it was the noise that brought to our attention that Sunday working in the shed was taking place.


Response from K Burrell
Mr Dawson,
Thank you for your email, for completeness, I have attached the initial documents that we send out at the beginning of an investigation into a complaint of noise nuisance, this will include your reference number.
The reference 272189 referred to complaint raised by another person.

Denial No. 17

My letter (5-Oct-16) requested that you refrain from raising historical complaint issues regarding the boat shed or any other matters which had already exhausted the Council’s complaints procedure. Corporate Lead.


Denial No. 18

An Excuse for taking no Action. Dear Mr Dawson, As you are are dealing with the Council directly and processing an official complaint, I obviously cannot be part of any actions whilst claims and allegations are being investigated. Cllr Anglin


Denial No. 19

From: Alison Hoy on behalf of Customer Advocates
As advised in Hayley Johnson’s letter to you we will not respond further to your further contacts regarding matters which have exhausted the Council’s complaints procedure.
Should you continue to email and attempt to raise the issue via local Councillors we will consider placing further restrictions on your contact with the Council.

10-Feb A visit to the Town Hall estblished that Planning officer, Gary Simmonette was in charge of the the shed’s expansion and that Mr Burrell had given a reference number to timesheets that had been already been completed by another person.
14-Feb Closure_of_Sunday_working.pdf ( Alison said “The reference number 272189 does not refer to a feedback logged on your behalf but to a 3rd party. This cannot therefore be sent to you.

It was confirmation that Mr Burrell was assisting Mr Simmonette in covering up the fact that UK Docks were using their shed on a Sunday and not for the purpose of slipping or launching a vessel.