Email to MP, 13-Jan-20

Re the last line, Mr Palmer has saved himself the bother 
of filing as he has made sure that no emails arrive as 
"Delivery to the following recipients failed permanently:
from by the use of some
blacklisting soft ware.

South Shields Office of MP: 01914271240

Re: Complaint: 248789 – Unplanned Development on River Drive
Date: 13/01/2020 (10:05:29 PM GMT)
To: Emma Lewell-Buck MP

Cc: Keith Palmer, Cllr Angela Hamilton, Cllr David Francis, Cllr Anglin

Attachment: 8DDL.pdf (letter from solicitor)

Dear Emma,

I answered a call today from a Mr Keith Palmer on 01914271240 and we spoke about UK Docks. Judging from the email address he gave me, I guess he must be your office manager in South Shields and from our conversation I gathered he did not wish to consider any further correspondence from me and suggested that because I now lived away you/he would not be able to deal with correspondence because of parliamentary rules. You and I both know this to be nonsense as the shed is on your patch.

He hinted at, expensive litigation, vexatious complaints and presenting new evidence to the LGO which shows he has been warned off helping me by an official at the Town Hall which in turn goes back to the attempt by the CLP to deselect you.

What I really needed from you was your support and Mr Palmer has indicated by our exchange over the phone that he is not prepared to give it. At the end of the day the Council are misusing the Ombudsman’s Office to hide malpractice then use their findings to deflect any enquirers after the truth.

I understood from Mr Palmer that this was no longer a matter for Parliament but I think it is. Only Parliament can make it a criminal offence to lie to the Ombudsman. I have attached a copy of the letter from my Solicitor for Mr Palmer’s perusal and he would do well to read the email to Customer Advocacy 02 September 2016 at the foot of the trail below. Incidentally it was passed back to Mrs Johnson and was not dealt with by Customer Advocacy. If it still exists it is lying unattended on a file.

In future, shall I just copy Mr Palmer any correspondence about UK Docks so he can place it in the file for reference?

Kind regards

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