Dear Mr Palmer: 20-Feb-20

is rejected from two accounts within seconds:-

Automatic reply: Conduct of South Tyneside Council
Date: 20/02/2020 (12:06:28 BST)
Please note that if you do not provide your full address no further action will be taken on your case.
Automatic reply: Conduct of South Tyneside Council
From: PALMER, Keith
Date: 20/02/2020 (12:06:30 BST)
I am out of the office until Monday 24th February 2020.

It still remains unanswered:-

Conduct of South Tyneside Council
From: 20/02/2020 (12:06:14 GMT)
To: Keith Palmer
Cc: Emma Lewell-Buck MP,
Cllr Angela Hamilton, Cllr David Francis, Cllr Anglin,
Graeme Watson [Chair of TGA],
Peter Cunningham [Principal Planning Officer],
Nicola Robason [Monitoring Officer],
Stuart Wright [Head of Environment],
Bcc: Local Residents
2 Attachments:
Dishonesty at the Town Hall: 30-Oct-19
Destroying Evidence: 20-Feb-20

Dear Mr Palmer,
You appear to be new to your post and so I given you some background to the Council’s early responses to our complaint that the shed was taller and wider than permitted. Please see ‘Destroying Evidence’ which I have attached. It should more properly be labelled ‘Hiding Evidence’ or ‘Sweeping stuff under the Carpet’ but we cannot know that our emails have not been deleted nor our letters put in the bin.
Please see also below the email sent to your office two and a half years ago and the response I had from Emma about 4 hours later giving an account of her discussions with the Council and a meeting with the directors of UK Docks in the spring of 2017. Central to that account are:
/Unfortunately, the Ombudsman’s decision cannot be re-visited. & I have met with the directors of UK Docks and have also liaised with the council and I am certain that no laws have been broken and the council are also discharging their functions correctly in relation to the boat yard and the subsequent containers which have caused concern to residents./

From the first it appears that the Council can give misinformation/misrepresentation (lie) to Ombudsman and there is nothing we can do about it and I would just like to add that when she met with the Directors in the Spring, the containers were not an issue as they were not hoisted on top of each other till August when UK Docks needed the space to assemble the sixth frame. I you look at any of the plans submitted in 1996 there are only 5 and this brings me to the main point of this email.
That she has must have been told that no laws have been broken and that might be true but to say that to mean that the shed is built to the approved plans is fraudulent misrepresentation.

Emma met with UK Docks again on March 1st 2019 and we have an account provided by Cllr Hamilton who attended as well and this time there is no mention of broken laws. Not long after the visit UK Docks were putting it about that they had been granted permission retrospectively for the shed we now see. Nicola Robason for South Tyneside Council has confirmed that this is also a lie in an email of the 19th December 2019 which rather confirms my point made near the end of my email to Emma, 30-Oct-19:
Like the earlier tale that it had been approved, it is not true. In layman’s terms they, UK Docks and the Council, have replaced one lie with another.

I understood from my returned phone call to you on the 13th January that you wished to sweep the whole issue under the carpet by placing my written communications on file with no acknowledgement but when I checked I noted that this had been done already when I received the first auto response for many years from Emma’s Office on 30th October 2019.
You can see from the emails below that I have made no pretence about settling in Amble. I note that the local Labour Party had deselected Emma earlier that month and Angela had been excluded from Council proceedings from the 9th of October and sorry, you will not be able to convince me the events are not related until the Council are honest in the dealings with Emma, Angela or myself.
We must not forget the Ombudsman because they also swept the issue under the carpet and when I complained to the Chief Executive that his staff were abusing the complaints procedure to conceal the fact that they had mislead the Ombudsman about the goings on at UK Docks that letter also remains on file unanswered.
For the time being I suggest you re-read my email of the 30th October, Dishonesty at the Town Hall and you ask Building Control why they have not issued an enforcement notice on UK Docks and we can take it from there.

Yours sincerely
Michael Dawson
PS – Stuart Wright is in the CC list because I believe he is responsible for both Planning and Building Control.

This message was appended to: Exchange 06-Sep-17

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