To Nicola Robason: 31-Jan-20

Nicola was asked at the end of this email about the Head of Legal Services, Mr Harding as he was no longer responding to his mail or emails:- 
It also remains that she has ignored the fact that the shed is 18.2m high where the approved drawing 8296/2 says it should be 15.5m.

Fwd: Correspondence with the Office of Emma Lewell-Buck
Date: 31/01/2020 (15:40:28 GMT)
To: Nicola Robason
Cc: Emma Lewell-Buck MP, Keith Palmer, BUCK Simon, Customer Advocates, Cllr
Angela Hamilton, Cllr David Francis, Cllr Anglin, Peter Cunningham

1 Attachment D8296_2.pdf

Dear Nicola,
Please see trail below. I’d like to emphasise that when I gave my personal details to Mr Buck I did it in good faith and said I would talk over phone to Mr Palmer about the corruption with UK Docks.
I should not have talked over the phone but the pair of them hooked me with the bait that we could talk honestly about UK Docks. If Mr Palmer’s intentions were honourable he would have told me that that Mr Buck was listening to the call as well. The Message I got from Mr Palmer was that he actually wanted to close down any dialogue about UK Docks which reminded me of one of the first written communications from Peter Cunningham, Principal Planning Officer, Fri, 20 Dec 2013:
//Mr Dawson – once again – I have measured this on site and have copied the 1996
plans across to you twice already (attached again for your use) and I have
explained during our meeting that the base and height of the structure are
compliant…this is the end of the matter as far as I am concerned.. Please do
not email me again.

It was immediately obvious from the meeting that there were no authorised drawings available to back his point of view or we, Cllrs and Residents, would have left the meeting with them. The drawings he sent were initially the drawings given to him by UK Docks, and the one attached showed no evidence of having been anywhere near the Tyne and Wear Development Corporation and contained the same error as the ones given to to him by UK Docks. The approved height at the river end is 15.5m not 18.2m – see attached drawing.
Nothing has changed in six years except that UK docks are now saying that the Council had given them permission (retrospectively) for their shed when we all know that to be a lie.
It is not the end of the matter and the issue cannot be closed until the Council admit that the shed is nearly 3 meters taller than planned. What happens to the shed becomes UK Docks problem as rightly it should have been rebuilt 3m lower or removed in the spring of 2014.
What you do about your predecessors misleading the Ombudsman to cover up malpractice in planning/building control is beyond me but perhaps Messrs Cunningham, Palmer and Buck can help with that.
I notice that Mike Harding’s email address couldn’t be found – has he left South Tyneside Council? *
Kind regards.
Michael Dawson

* She eventually replied 26-Feb-20: I confirm that Mr. Harding has now retired from the Council, which is why his email won’t be active. 

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