Broadcast 23, December 2019

Date: 23/12/2019 (11:00:46 BST)
To: Cllr Angela Hamilton
Cc: Emma Lewell-Buck, Nicola Robason, Cllr David Francis, Alison Hoy

Dear Angela and Everybody,

Seasons greetings. Please see the response from the Council’s Monitoring Officer. Please note it is seven months after I asked her predecessor the same question. Better late than never.
It confirms that the Council did not give retrospective planning permission for the slipway shed on River Drive but beggars the question why did UK Docks tell you and Emma they had been given permission for it. The answer is in the third paragraph of my email:-

/We also knew that the shed had been built nearly 3m taller than permitted before the 5th frame went up but the Council said otherwise and misinformed the Ombudsman about it. The reason for this is now known: firstly to hide misconduct and the second to deflect enquiries and they had been doing that for 5 years./

Notice that Nicola has avoided the problem the has beset them since the second frame of the shed went up in September 2013 and that is the shed is 3 meters taller than planned. They even misled the Ombudsman about it.

/The complainant says the shed is also 3 metres higher than it should be The Council says it is not. There is no fault in how the Council decided the shed is the permitted height./

I have added her response to the list of Evasions and Denials and there is now a link to it on the home page of It looks like nearly everyone who had dealings with UK Docks becomes averse to the truth and Nicola is the latest to suffer from this contagion and one cannot expect her to break ranks with her peer group.
That is what Building Control expect and they are ultimately responsible for this farce. I’ll continue to put the evidence forward until the matter is dealt with by the Chief Executive.
It is to him, that Mr Harding ought to have referred the matter if he did not wish to respond to the matter in May 2019, not to a new appointee who can be kept in the dark. That she does not even know that the shed is 3m too tall confirms this.
Mr Swales does not respond to any correspondence about the shed and that is why I have copied Alison into the list, at least she can make him aware that he is being talked about. It is a small courtesy.

Happy Christmas and best wishes for the New Year.
Michael Dawson.

—– Forwarded message from Nicola Robason  —–
Date: Thu, 19 Dec 2019 09:56:34 +0000
From: Nicola Robason <>
Subject: RE: Complaint: 248789 – Unplanned Development on River Drive

Dear Mr Dawson

Thank you for your recent emails and your letter dated 5 December 2019.

I can confirm that I am the Council’s Monitoring Officer. In that
capacity, I have read and considered the information you have provided in relation to UK Docks and River Drive and specifically your request for information.

I can confirm that the Council as Local Planning Authority has not
received a retrospective planning application from UK Docks.  It is
entirely a matter for UK Docks to decide whether or not to submit such an application and the Council has no influence in that matter.

I am also aware of the history of this development that goes back some
years with the original planning application being determined and approved by the Tyne and Wear Development Corporation in their capacity as Planning Authority at that time. The Council has recognised that the development of the shed on the site is unauthorised but concluded some time ago, in accordance with the Constitution, that no enforcement action would be taken as this was not in the public interest as there would be no change in the level of perceived harm suffered. This decision and the reasoning behind it was communicated to residents by the Council.

I understand that all complaints procedures regarding this matter have
been exhausted both internally within the Council and externally.

Many thanks


Nicola Robason
Head of Corporate & External Affairs and Monitoring Officer
South Tyneside Council
Town Hall and Civic Offices
Westoe Road
South Shields
NE33 2RL

Telephone: 0191 424 7186


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