Broadcast 23, December 2019

Sent: 05 December 2019 17:32
To: Nicola Robason
Cc: Emma Lewell-Buck MP
Angela Hamilton, Mike Harding, Gill Hayton (Solicitor), George Mansbridge, Hayley Johnson, Stephen Hepburn
Alison Hoy, Cllr David Francis, Andrew Tilbury of Peter Dunn &
Subject: Complaint: 248789 – Unplanned Development on River Drive

Dear Nicola,

Please see the Freedom of Information (FOI) request which I have attached.
I managed to establish that no retrospective planning application for the
shed had been made and I just need you to confirm it. As Monitoring Officer
you should be able to do that without any bother. It is a binary choice:
Has retrospective planning for the shed been granted: Yes/No.
I have asked your predecessor, Mike Harding, the same question in a
different way but he has not answered:

“Angela and therefore Julie have been misinformed by UK Docks and you can confirm that also.  To it bluntly, whoever told them that UK Docks had submitted a retrospective application was lying.”

We, the local residents, all know that UK Docks never made a request for
retrospective planning else we would have had notice of it and we had not.
We also knew that the shed had been built nearly 3m taller than permitted before the 5th frame went up but the Council said otherwise and misinformed the Ombudsman about it. The reason for this is now known: firstly to hide misconduct and the second to deflect enquiries and they had been doing that for 5 years.
I can forsee that the Council/UK Docks will try the same trick with
‘retrospective planning’ and this needs to be nipped in the bud hence my
FOI and the ‘Dear Nicola’ letter which I have also attached.

Kind regards

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