Category Archives: Unanswered

To Monitoring Officer, 22-JUL-20

Fwd: Complaint: 248789 – Unplanned Development on River Drive
Date: 22/07/2020 (12:33:34 BST)
To: Nicola Robason
Cc: Cllr Angela Hamilton, Cllr David Francis, Emma Lewell-Buck MP, Keith Palmer, Customer Advocates, Hayley Johnson, Simon Buck, Anne-Marie Trevelyan MP
Bcc: 20+ local residents

2 Attachments

Simon Buck Threat 26-Feb-20.pdf (95 KB)A observation of the misuse of a Parliamentary Code.
LettertoHJ-02Sep16.pdf (92 KB)A criticism of the second hatchet job by Hayley Johnson. Needless to say, she ignored it but the main thing was her switch from complaint 248789 to 253539. The later number was invented by the Head of Development Services to hide the corruption of the complaints procedure by him and his staff else they would not have been able to take the complaint to the fourth stage, the Ombudsman. There were two emails following the one of the 4th April. None of the questions raised in any of them was addressed by Mr Mansbridge: Continue reading To Monitoring Officer, 22-JUL-20

Mail Delivery Fail: 18-May-20

This message confirms that the MP and her office Manager at the turn of the year are now being excluded from incoming mail from but Mr Palmer is not. It was the equivalent of Mr Palmer deleting their copies and note that the software for doing this was in place by mid January. Mr Buck is no longer of any use to Mr Palmer and it looks like he is to be kept in the dark along with the MP for South Shields.

The email that Mr Palmer censored can be viewed here.

Continue reading Mail Delivery Fail: 18-May-20

To Monitoring Officer: 26-Feb-20

Earlier Email sent 07:35 in error. 
Message finishes after the first six words of the second paragraph.
If you look at the background . . . . !!  
Fwd: Correspondence with the Office of Emma Lewell-Buck
Date: 26/02/2020 (11:00:43 BST)
To: Nicola Robason

Attachment: Dear Nicola 5-Dec-19.pdf (129 KB)

Dear Nicola,

I should have written and thanked you for confirming that UK Docks have never been granted permission for the shed we now see on River Drive. The question remains why did they tell Councillor Hamilton and the MP for South Shields some time in March or April 2019 that they had permission for it.

If you had looked at the background to this which I outlined to you in a letter on the 5th December (now reattached) you will see that that UK Docks were given permission to build an enclosure on their slipway with a height of 15m at the river end but they built one with a height of 18.2m and the argument about whether it has been approved or not has not been settled because the Council continue to imply, contrary to the evidence, that it is not 2.7m taller than permitted.

You say /“It remains the case that all complaints procedures relating to this matter have been exhausted both internally within the Council and externally.”/ but that is not true because the lie, misinformation and/or misrepresentation given by the Local Authority, told to the Ombudsman still remains uncorrected:

/The complainant says the shed is also 3 metres higher than it should be. The Council says it is not. There is no fault in how the Council decided the shed is the permitted height. /Ombudsman 15-Apr-15

Until it is corrected you are not entitled to say that all relating to this matter has been exhausted. I have tried to correct it but they just dismiss it because the say that my complaint remains the same.

Only someone with authority over the people that misled the Ombudsman are now able to correct it and if it is not you please tell me who would be in a position to do this if it is not the MP for South Shields

Yours sincerely,
Michael Dawson

Dear Mr Palmer: 20-Feb-20

is rejected from two accounts within seconds:-

Automatic reply: Conduct of South Tyneside Council
Date: 20/02/2020 (12:06:28 BST)
Please note that if you do not provide your full address no further action will be taken on your case.
Automatic reply: Conduct of South Tyneside Council
From: PALMER, Keith
Date: 20/02/2020 (12:06:30 BST)
I am out of the office until Monday 24th February 2020.

It still remains unanswered:-

Conduct of South Tyneside Council
From: 20/02/2020 (12:06:14 GMT)
To: Keith Palmer
Cc: Emma Lewell-Buck MP,
Cllr Angela Hamilton, Cllr David Francis, Cllr Anglin,
Graeme Watson [Chair of TGA],
Peter Cunningham [Principal Planning Officer],
Nicola Robason [Monitoring Officer],
Stuart Wright [Head of Environment],
Bcc: Local Residents
2 Attachments:
Dishonesty at the Town Hall: 30-Oct-19
Destroying Evidence: 20-Feb-20

Dear Mr Palmer,
You appear to be new to your post and so I given you some background to the Council’s early responses to our complaint that the shed was taller and wider than permitted. Please see ‘Destroying Evidence’ which I have attached. It should more properly be labelled ‘Hiding Evidence’ or ‘Sweeping stuff under the Carpet’ but we cannot know that our emails have not been deleted nor our letters put in the bin.
Please see also below the email sent to your office two and a half years ago and the response I had from Emma about 4 hours later giving an account of her discussions with the Council and a meeting with the directors of UK Docks in the spring of 2017. Central to that account are:
/Unfortunately, the Ombudsman’s decision cannot be re-visited. & I have met with the directors of UK Docks and have also liaised with the council and I am certain that no laws have been broken and the council are also discharging their functions correctly in relation to the boat yard and the subsequent containers which have caused concern to residents./

From the first it appears that the Council can give misinformation/misrepresentation (lie) to Ombudsman and there is nothing we can do about it and I would just like to add that when she met with the Directors in the Spring, the containers were not an issue as they were not hoisted on top of each other till August when UK Docks needed the space to assemble the sixth frame. I you look at any of the plans submitted in 1996 there are only 5 and this brings me to the main point of this email.
That she has must have been told that no laws have been broken and that might be true but to say that to mean that the shed is built to the approved plans is fraudulent misrepresentation.

Continue reading Dear Mr Palmer: 20-Feb-20

To Mr Palmer: 23-Jan-20

Complaint: 248789 – Inappropriate Development on River Drive
Date: 23/01/2020 (17:50:15 BST)
To: Keith Palmer
Cc: Emma Lewell-Buck MP, Buck Simon, Cllr Angela Hamilton, Cllr David Francis, Cllr Anglin, Peter Cunningham, Hayley Johnson

1 Attachment: toKP23-Jan-20_Refs.pdf (81 KB)


Dear Mr Palmer,

You seem to have done some homework before our phone call on Monday the 13th but if you had paid attention to the facts rather than opinions based on fraudulent misrepresentations you would have come to the conclusion that UK Dock’s shed is 3 meters taller than planned. This can be confirmed by examination of the authorised drawing 8296/2.

Many of the protesters including me had suspected it was wider as well as taller than planned before the meeting held at the Town Hall in November 2013. I confirmed for myself that it was nearly a meter wider than planned when I measured it for myself shortly after the meeting.

The Gazette 9-Sep-13 reported that UK Docks had said: “All I can say is that we have been through all the controls with the planners, and the work meets all the necessary legal requirements. All we are doing is going ahead with the previous planning permission.” Continue reading To Mr Palmer: 23-Jan-20

To Mr Buck: 15-Jan-20

A mistake in the attached files has been corrected: 
Donottalkabouttheheight.pdf has been corrected - it contained 
toELB20Oct16.pdf. It should have contained toMH02-Sep-16.pdf. 
This email will make more sense now. 

Re: Correspondence with the Office of Emma Lewell-Buck
Date: 15/01/2020 (08:52:37 AM GMT)
To: BUCK, Simon
Cc: Keith Palmer, Cllr Angela Hamilton, Cllr David Francis, Hayley Johnson, Customer Advocates
DishonestyatTH-Emma30Oct19.pdf (31 KB)
8DLL.pdf (108 KB)
toELB20Oct16.pdf (77 KB)
Donottalkabouttheheight.pdf (28 KB – toMH02-Sep-16.pdf)

Dear Mr Buck,
As far as I remember Mr Palmer was indeed polite and I hope you thought I was as well. Whether he was accurate is another matter. It would have been courteous for Mr Palmer to have introduced himself. I assumed that when I gave you permission to pass my home phone number to him he had become Emma’s new office manager after her re-election. Please see trail below. He very obviously let me assume I was talking her new Office Manager. He did not inform me that you, her actual office manager was listening in. Please let me have any copy of the recording of what was said so that I can check it against the length of my call for any editing.
You will see from the first attachment that the Council have not been honest with either Emma, Angela or myself. You will see from the second attachment that that I have already sought legal advice and Mr Tilbury suggested that we should first ask the Council about misleading the Ombudsman and then approach the Ombudsman and this I did.
The Council said they had not mislead the Ombudsman and if you remember I told Mr Palmer that any complaint against the Local Government Ombudsman was was pointless. They just say the complaint remains that of the first complaint.
When you consider the matter closed, do you mean that the Council can cover up wrongdoing by misleading the Ombudsman is OK? Do you think it OK that they can then use the Ombudsman’s findings to mislead MPs and other enquirers. Mr Palmer certainly gave me that impression he was implying that over the phone. As you can see from the third attachment the Council have been dishonest with everyone for a long time.
When you consider the matter closed you are only repeating what the Principal Planning Manager said on January 13th 2014 and in the six years the Council have consistently lied about the shed having been approved.
You will see, below, that whatever we said over the phone he mislead me into thinking he was Emma’s Office Manager but I see from your email that you are her Office Manager. So who is Mr Palmer? I’m sorry but I cannot help thinking he is dancing to the same tune as those that tried to get Emma deselected.
I have reattached the files i.e. the second and third, that were attached to the notes to Emma, posted below. The fourth is the letter sent to Michaela of Customer Advocacy which was detached from the steam. This was never considered but passed back to the villain of the piece. One of the people mentioned in my email to Emma on 20-Oct-16 and as it it is rude to talk about people behind their backs I have copied this to her and Customer Advocates.
By the way Nicola Robason has confirmed that UK Docks did not put in a retrospective planning request which beggars the question: Why did they tell Angela and Emma that they had.
Perhaps your Mr Palmer can answer the question?
Mr Dawson

The the answer is: "Because the built the shed 5.5m 
longer, 2.7m taller and 1 meter wider than that for which 
they had permission"

Letter to CEO reposted from Main Site

Greens Place
South Shields

Ref: STC 248789 and LGO 14 015 052.
8th July 2016

Dear Mr Swales,

South Tyneside Council and the Local Government Ombudsman

This letter concerns the conduct of your staff over the last two and a half years and has been occasioned by the email on December 9th, from Alison Hoy.

The Council will not declare what the planned height of the shed is;
The Council repeat unfounded statements;
The Council say that drawings are not to scale without reason;
The Council use unauthorised drawings as if they were legal documents. Continue reading Letter to CEO reposted from Main Site