Response 14-Jan-20 from Office of MP

apparently without her permission.

From: "BUCK, Simon" <>
To: ""
Date: Tue, 14 Jan 2020 14:37:06 +0000
Subject: Correspondence with the Office of Emma Lewell-Buck

Dear Mr Dawson,

Thank you for your email sent this morning following from Mr Palmer’s telephone conversation to you yesterday afternoon.

I wish to address two points you raised. I was present during the conversation between Mr Palmer and yourself. I am afraid your recollection of the conversation was not a true account. Mr Palmer was polite, informative and accurate.

Mr Palmer correctly informed you that MPs have no influence over the Local Government Ombudsman, and he suggested that a possible course of action may be to complain further to the Local Government Ombudsman and suggested you take legal advice.

Finally, your suggestion that Mr Palmer, or any other staff member for that matter has been “warned off helping” Emma “by an official at the Town Hall” and then making references to the CLP trying to deselect Emma, is not only untrue but an unwarranted accusation. Your email seriously undermines Mr Palmer’s, Emma’s and the Office’s integrity and it is a very serious matter. I am very sorry that Emma is unable to help you further with this case and I consider this matter to be closed.

Simon Buck

Office Manager for the
Office of Emma Lewell-Buck MP
Member of Parliament for South Shields

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