To Messrs Buck and Palmer: 16-Jan-20

Fwd: Correspondence with the Office of Emma Lewell-Buck
Date: 16/01/2020 (09:53:32 BST)

To: BUCK, Simon, Keith Palmer

Cc: Cllr Angela Hamilton, Cllr David Francis, Cllr Anglin, Nicola Robason, Hayley Johnson, Alison Hoy

1 Attachment: ToAH27Mar19part1.pdf (162 KB)

Dear Sirs,

I can confirm that UK Docks did not submit an application for the Council for retrospective planning and the email I sent to Councillor Hamilton I have copied to a PDF file and attached it. She may be able to help you with the legal points you wish to raise.

I have a dispute with Mrs Johnson about the misinformation/misrepresentation given to the Local Government Ombudsman. I agree with Mr Tilbury of Peter Dunn & co but she maintains that there is no evidence of any. I sent you both a copy of his advice yesterday because Mr Palmer alluded to vexatious communications.

He also suggested I sought legal advice but I had already done so. It looks to me like it was probably criminal fraud for UK Docks to convince the Council that they were building their shed to a set of approved plans when they were not and I was advised that the Police would take no action because they would say it was a Planning Matter.

UK Docks have not done themselves any favours by telling people that they have permission for their shed when they haven’t.. It looks to me like they have been breaking the law since March 2014 when they took the Port of Tyne Tug onto the slipway and the Council have been complicit in this.

It was Director of UK Docks who decided to move his business the River Drive and he only had permission for a shed 22m long and it is now 27.5m long which is probably the main reason we were told he had been given permission for it by the Council.

I’ll leave it with you for the time being.

M Dawson

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