Originally a digital copy of the binder I took to the Solicitor for advice, it now serves as a reference library. This is because there is so much misinformation being generated by UK Docks/South Tyneside Council that it is difficult to get to the truth.
Simply put, the slipway enclosure was given permission because it would reduce the amount of dust etc. landing on their neighbours and give some protection against the weather i.e. the boats could be painted when it was raining etc.
Permission was given for a structure with sloping sides so that the business could not be expanded to include ship repairs i.e. fitting an overhead crane would be an impossibility see change of use – Part B, below. It now has vertical sides and is wider than planned.
It has been built nearly 3 meters taller than planned to accommodate the overhead crane.
It has been built 5.5m longer than planned because the Tyne Ferries had become longer, since 1996, when permision was granted. UK Docks who took over the slipway some time in 2013 were contracted to maintain the Shields Ferries and they had been threatened with eviction by the closure of Tyne Dock in 2014.
Part B
- B1 Business – Offices (other than those that fall within A2), research and development of products and processes, light industry appropriate in a residential area.
- B2 General industrial – Use for industrial process other than one falling within class B1 (excluding incineration purposes, chemical treatment or landfill or hazardous waste).
- B8 Storage or distribution – This class includes open air storage.