The Beacon

Beacon Public House to be replaced by flats!
Posted on October 25, 2015 by moderator

Proposal to demolish the Beacon Inn (not structurally dangerous) and replace with a large block of 7 modern flats. If you have not seen this second application, please check it out on South Tyneside Planning Portal, The Beacon Inn,100-101 Greens Place.

South Tyneside Planning Portal:

Search on: ST/0746/15/FUL

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Beacon for Sale

Beacon-FrontPlease see attached from STC.

Mr Pullen, having got his planning permission is now wanting to sell the property.
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Notice of Listing

Melanie Todd
29 March 2016
Dear Sirs,
The Beacon Pub, 100-101 Greens Place, South Shields – S91 (2) Notice of Listing
The Council received your application for the above property to be included on the Council Schedule of Assets of Community Value.
Having considered the application the Council is of the opinion that the property should be included in the Schedule for the following reasons;-
• The use of the building in the recent past, furthered the social wellbeing/social interest of the local community;
• The claimed use is not an ancillary one;
• It is realistic to think that the community use will continue or resume in the next 5 years.
Under the provisions of Clause 91 [2] of the Localism Act the Council is obliged to notify the owner of the nominating party for this property of its intention to include the property in the Schedule. The owner/occupier has 8 weeks from receipt of their letter to respond to the Council setting out why they consider that the property should not be included in the Schedule.
The Council will consider the reasons for the objection to the property being included in the Schedule and will notify them within 8 weeks of their letter being received whether or not it still intends to include the property in the Schedule.
The Council must list land if it considers the land is “of community value”. Land is of community value if:
in the opinion of the authority—
(a) an actual current use of the building or other land that is not an ancillary use furthers the social wellbeing or social interests of the local community, and
(b) it is realistic to think that there can continue to be non-ancillary use of the building or other land which will further (whether or not in the same way) the social wellbeing or social interests of the local community.
if in the opinion of the local authority—
(a) there is a time in the recent past when an actual use of the building or other land that was not an ancillary use furthered the social wellbeing or interests of the local community, and
(b) it is realistic to think that there is a time in the next five years when there could be non-ancillary use of the building or other land that would further (whether or not in the same way as before) the social wellbeing or social interests of the local community.
A request for a listing review must be made within eight weeks from the date of this letter. The Council will consider the reasons for the objection to the property being included in the Schedule and will notify them within 8 weeks of their letter being received whether or not it still intends to include the property in the Schedule.
I enclose guidance published by Department of Communities and Local Government dated October 2012 and the Assets of Community Value (England) Regulations 2012 for further information.
Should you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Yours faithfully
Pamela McGorie MRICS BSc(Hons)

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Land Registry Detail


The boundary of PH (Beacon) does not include the pavement.



Clarification of plot boundaries  – submission by the Agent, Gary Craig, of Gary Craig Building services in Whitburn:

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Why the rush?

South Tyneside Council have rushed this through planning and with superb skill have completely outflanked the opposition to the demolition of the Beacon and build 7 flats on the site when it is obvious to all that there is barely room for 4.

The agent Mr Craig said: “We’re naturally all delighted that the plans have went through without any problems.

We hear that the developer was so broke that he could not afford to run the pub properly and his best option was to close it and hope that he could get planning permission to develop the site. This may not be true of course but it will be interesting to see what happens.


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South Shields Council behind Demolition of Beacon?

Shields Gazette 06:00, Wednesday 03 February 2016: South Shields landmark pub The Beacon is to be turned into apartments
Beacon-FrontPhoto by Mick Dawson

One of South Tyneside’s oldest pubs is to be turned into a new apartments block.
The Beacon, in Greens Place, Lawe Top, South Shields, has been serving drinks since the late 1800s, but now South Tyneside Council’s planning committee has given the go-ahead for it to be transformed into seven apartments – with space for three parking bays.
Gary Craig, of Gary Craig Building services, in Whitburn, is the architect behind the transformation – which will see the apartments being spread between four and five floors as the building is on a slope.
Mr Craig said: “We’re naturally all delighted that the plans have went through without any problems.
“We’re hoping to get started as soon as possibly but we do have to wait for building regulations to come through, which can take a little while.”
Mr Craig also revealed that a potential buyer for one of the apartments has already been in touch.
He said: “We couldn’t believe it that we’ve already had interest from a potential buyer so soon.
“That’s pretty good going considering they haven’t even been built yet.
“Mind you, once they are all up, people living in the apartments will have some excellent views of the sea.”
The new building, which will have white walls with dark grey frames and balconies, will look different to the other buildings on the street.
This is due to building regulations requiring level access, where it can be achieved, which, together with the sloping site, has made it impossible to maintain original floor levels or to match to the floor heights of adjoining dwellings.
The following link to the Pontefract and Castleford Express no longer exists but it still explains why there was little protest at the time.

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Huge Cannabis Farm in closed Pub

Posted in the Shields Gazette 11:25 Monday 15 October 2012

Beacon-FrontA HUGE cannabis farm worth a potential six-figure sum has been smashed by police in South Tyneside.

Officers received a tip-off about the farm, at a flat in Green’s Place in the Lawe Top area of South Shields, and raided it early on Saturday.
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50 Space Carpark

The ’50 space’ car park behind the Beacon’


Comment by JP0224 : 9:56 PM on 01/12/2015 “People complaint about parking clearly don’t know the area, there is a car park behind the building for 50 cars that is never over 40% full, times are changing in the pud trade, would people prefer a run down empty building”

Who’s kidding who?
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News from Pontefract and Castleford

Beacon-Front07:50 Tuesday 01 December 2015
Verity Ward wrote:

One of South Tyneside’s oldest pubs is facing demolition to make way for a new apartments block.

The Beacon in Greens Place, Lawe Top, South Shields, has been serving drinks since the late 1800s but an application has been made to South Tyneside Council’s planning committee for it to be transformed into seven apartments – with space for three parking bays.
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Yet another Pub to be demolished.

The Beacon – article from the Pontefract and Castleford Express.

There is an application in to knock it down and redevelop it. Gary Craig, of Gary Craig Building services in Whitburn, is the architect behind the transformation which, if given the go-ahead, will see the apartments being spread between four and five floors as the building is on a slope.

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