Carlton Tavern – Kilburn

A landlady returned to her pub after she was told to close for an CarltonTavern“inventory” to find builders had demolished the historic building. Developers ripped through Carlton Tavern the day before it was to become a listed building, according to councillors, after they had been denied planning permission. Read more:-

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The Beacon

07:50 Tuesday 01 December 2015
Verity Ward of the Shields Gazette wrote:


Photo – Mick Dawson
One of South Tyneside’s oldest pubs is facing demolition to make way for a new apartments block.

The Beacon in Greens Place, Lawe Top, South Shields, has been serving drinks since the late 1800s but an application has been made to South Tyneside Council’s planning committee for it to be transformed into seven apartments – with space for three parking bays.

The Beacon’s popularity has trailed off in recent times and it’s now vacant.

Gary Craig, of Gary Craig Building services in Whitburn, is the architect behind the transformation which, if given the go-ahead, will see the apartments being spread between four and five floors as the building is on a slope.

Mr Craig said: “The Beacon hasn’t had the best of times of late. As with many pubs, trade hadn’t been that good.
“By transforming it into apartment blocks, it will be giving the site a new lease of life. “Residents won’t have to worry about a building falling into disarray and nor will there be any issues with noise or music.”

Coun John Anglin, a Labour representative for the Beacon and Bents Ward, says he has few issues with the transformation.

He said: “In principle I have no problems with the plans. However, I do expect them to be of the highest quality. They need to be in keeping with the rest of the area. “On the Lawe Top, there’s a lot of distinguished buildings and it will need to blend in. “My only concern is that I’d like assurance there will be proper car parking facilities, to cater for all the potential new residents.”
The new building which will have white walls with dark grey frames and balconies and will look different to the other buildings on the street.

This is due to building regulations requiring level access, where it can be achieved, which, together with the sloping site, has made it impossible to maintain original floor levels or to match to the floor heights of adjoining dwellings.

The application stated: “As a consequence, a deliberate decision was taken to provide modern storey heights and create a building which would totally different from, and stand out from, the older properties in Greens Place, creating a visually prominent end to the terrace.”

Comments could have been made December 14 by visiting the planning section of and searching for application ‘ ST/0746/15/FUL’ but information was first published in the local paper reaching a population located ninety miles away it did not come to the attention of the former clientele. The link no longer works. Page deleted perhaps but it matters not as permission to demolish the Beacon has lapsed.

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Local Life

Melanie was asked if ‘Local Life’ wanted some space on this site and it looks like the group may do so but not yet. In anticipation of this, there are a few pages to be getting on with. MD 26-Oct-15

Hi Mick,

The Local Life Association is an open membership group for residents which is a constituted unincorporated group. This has been set up following discussions with several neighbours and meetings with the Locality team for the North East Region. The group needed to be set up in order to be able to put in applications for local listing of ‘Community Assets’, this comes under the Locality Act 2011. Part of the aims of the group is to create a community and allow people to openly discuss ideas, views, and concerns. Its a proactive platform to allow residents to take some control over their neighbourhood.
At the present time our time is finely balanced and often slightly squeezed between restoration work, and paid work. So I’m afraid I don’t have sufficient time at present to commit to maintaining a page, but rather I dip in and out of things when I have a spare moment.
It would be great if you did take up membership of Local Life.
The Council have recently put up a whole load of plans for Greens Place but not sure if they’ve loaded anything for Greens Place on the other side of Baring Street, probably as a result of us pursuing our objections, but when you click on a lot of them there’s nothing available as i think they haven’t had time to load them yet.
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The Beacon and UK Docks Shed

Melanie has emailed theharbourview:

Good morning everybody,

This is to update people on what we have been up to. Hopefully everybody managed to either write a further objection to the UK Docks amended application or a letter asking for their previous letter of objection to be upheld against the amended application. We also have the new planning application which will again effect Greens Place and Harbour View residents alike, with the proposal to demolish the Beacon Inn (not structurally dangerous) and replace with a large block of 7 modern flats. If you have not seen this second application, please check it out on South Tyneside Planning Portal, The Beacon Inn, 100-101 Greens Place. Continue reading

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