Invasion of Privacy

From: Marilyn  at
Date: 18 March 2014 18:18:55 GMT
To: “” <>
Cc: “” <>
Subject: Slipway river drive

I would firstly like to respond to Mr Atkinson’s comment that the council cannot control the use of hoists on the slipway site. So I ask,  if the council can’t control this , then who do you suggest I speak to who can control it?
As for the term ” an established general industrial site”  is a load of tosh , yes there was occasional repairs to the nexus ferry which sometimes encroached on my privacy whilst I sat on my balcony but this was few and far between. What is happening now is a total different ball game. The noise , smoke ,dust and fumes is making my life a nightmare . I can no longer go out onto my balcony, I was looking forward to the summer to sit out and enjoy the quiet after moving into my apartment 20 months ago and spending a fortune making it into my retirement home, only to find I might as well have bought a dump in temple town area of Tyne Dock and had McNulty as my neighbours.
I have rang to complain to environmental health about dust, fumes ,noise and smoke  and not had any reply .
Never before have I complained to the council , only this past few months as I am totally enraged by what you are allowing to happen on mine and other residents doorstep
Regards Marilyn
Harbour View
South Shields

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