Environment | Nexus

For those that do not know: Nexus run the North/South Shields Ferries. The ferries are maintained on the slipway on River Drive and that appears to be, currently, the only use of the yard.

To Quote:-
“The Nexus Environment Policy sets the principles and values by which Nexus will operate. The environment strategy sets out the following core objectives:

  • To assess and reduce the environmental impact caused by Nexus operations and the operations of companies supplying us and working on our behalf
  • To engender an organisational culture of sustainability that supports and promotes environmentally ethical behaviours
  • To make a positive contribution to the cultural and economic development of Tyne and Wear in an environmentally sustainable way
  • To play a key role in partnership with local authorities and transport operators to develop and implement environmentally sustainable transport policies that will be efficient, effective and economic”

If you wish to see the whole page go to the Nexus Website.

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