Industrial site next to Harbour View.

Subject: Re: Industrial site next to Harbour View [NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED]
From: Matthew
Date: Fri, 4 Apr 2014 20:21:08 +0100
CC: Melanie, Mick, Michelle and Rob
To: David

Dear Dave,

Thank you for forwarding this. Clearly STMBC are attempting to get away with just asking the developers to hang plastic sheets at either end of the shed. STMBC’s case appears to be that although some planning conditions were breached (just width and doors, not all of them as I contend in my Stage 2 complaint to Mr Mansbridge), they were not sufficiently breached for the council to take action against them to force a retrospective planning application.

I still think STMBC should be challenged on the height and shape of the structure as well as its width. As I wrote in my complaint to Mr Mansbridge, I don’t actually believe that the taller plans were approved by T&WDC in consultation with STMBC after objections in 1996. Why else would the plan for the smaller structure with detailed dimensions be attached to the planning conditions – sent on to us from Peter Cunningham when we asked for them in September 2013? Personally, I have never seen another copy of the planning consent with the approved plans for the taller structure attached – or a plan for the taller structure date stamped approved. Am I wrong about this? Has anyone else seen a date stamped approved plan for the taller structure?

I still think that the developers misrepresented their submission plans as approved plans to the council on 6the September 2013, who were only too happy to accept them as such. If we could prove this, or even if STMBC planning can’t disprove it, then Mr Mansbridge’s reply could work in our favour.

If we can establish that the shed was not approved at the 3m taller height, then we could argue even more persuasively that the shed should be taken down or that a retrospective planning application is required – although I think we should continue to argue this anyway on the basis that 1 metre wider on different foundations is itself a significant breach of planning conditions. I am quite sure that if I built my conservatory just a little too wide I would be made to re-build it or apply for retrospective planning permission.


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