Noise – View from Harbour View

From: Harbour View
Sent: 02 February 2016 11:18
To: Kevin Burrell
Subject: Noise from UK Docks yard River Drive

Mr Burrell

I have sent an official complaint to STC re unacceptable noise from yard since 08:00 today, Tuesday 2 Feb.
Consisting of: sudden and reverberating loud bangs of what sounds like metal being dropped; constant grinding of metal; loud hammering; and rumbling of a forklift truck shifting stuff around the open yard.
Exactly the reasons we gave to – and were ignored by – the planning committee yesterday.
The noise issues need: a consistent (ie for 24/7 for the minimum of a month) to show the environmental impact on the residents. Not some statements from the interested party who is anything but impartial! – on what is happening now, and therefore how a site expansion would exponentially increase the noise.
Can we apply common sense to this please?

Mrs R~~~~~~
Sent from Samsung Mobile

and response…

From: Kevin Burrell <>
Date:02/02/2016  15:50  (GMT+00:00)
To: Harbour View
Subject: RE: Noise from UK Docks yard River Drive [NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED]

Dear Mrs R~~~~~~

Thank you for your email, your complaint has been noted on file and I plan to visit UK Docks tomorrow to discuss their current operations and will advise the  site manager that complaints have been received regarding current activity.
On the 25th November I sent Mr R~~~~~~ diary sheets, please could you complete these diaries as and when you are affected by noise from the site.

Kind Regards

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