Invasion of Privacy – Reply from Council

From: Head of Planning
Date: 10 March 2014 17:06:52 GMT
To: Mrs Chapman
Subject: Corporate Feedback System-job number 250605 re site at River Drive
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Dear Mrs Chapman
I have your message submitted to the Council.
The Council has been investigating the erection of the slipway cover at the site next to Harbour View, off River Drive.  When those investigations are completed we will contact various local residents who have raised the matter with the Council.  If you wish, I can add your name to that list, but please let me know if you want to be contacted again.
However, with regards to the specific issue that you now raise, that is, the invasion of privacy caused by the use of a hoist at the site, I’m afraid that is not something the Council can control as the slipway site is an established general industrial use.

One thought on “Invasion of Privacy – Reply from Council”

  1. Hi Marilyn
    “Anyway, I have read the correspondence and share Melanie’s concern that somehow the site appears to have been given a designation of ‘established general industrial use’.
    I’m not sure what this means or whether it has a specific legal meaning. If so I wonder how this status was conferred, when and by whom.
    If you haven’t already I would proceed with your official complaint and ask the questions I have raised above. I have a feeling that this is just an attempt by the planning dept. to obfiscate in the hope that you will just ‘give up’.
    We are stronger than that.”

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