LHO Noise Pollution

Several of us have been having ongoing email correspondence with both STMBC Environmental Health and Planning depts. I would ask that everybody adds their voice as we have more strength in greater numbers and it also spreads the burden.
Mick Dawson is working long hours building and updating the dedicated website http://theharbourview.co.uk Please pay it a visit, add your comments and sign the petition online if you haven’t already signed the paper copy (they are the same petition) Ask friends, family and colleagues to visit the website and sign the petition, we need all the support we can get, this fight is a big one and is going to take a while.
If you ate on Facebook, join Greens Place, South Shields, thats been dedicated to our fight and the more people who use it the more notice we get.
Watch out for the publicity for the first ‘FightingFund’ fundraiser, which we hope to have details of soon. Any ideas for fund raising please speak up, we are going to need money to get our legal fight on track and it is looking like that option is very close.
And please nobody is precious about things if you have an idea share it. We all have busy lives and most of us are working so spreading the load and sharing stuff is appreciated.
As we have now witnessed the level of noise we can expect as a minimum during the permitted working hours of 7.30am – 7.30pm Monday to Saturday, I am busy researching noise pollution and its effects on health and wellbeing, please if anybody has any expertise or has some time to do some research it would be helpful.
Below is a website link and page contents from Public Health England regarding noise pollution.


PS The only reason the noise has ceased is because the machine has broken!