Litter from UK Docks

Sent: Tuesday, February 09, 2016 2:34 PM
Subject: Re: Fwd: Noise pollution from UK Docks [RESTRICTED]

Hi Mick
Using info that I gleaned from emails circulating among our group, about two weeks ago I emailed Kevin Burrell to make a complaint. The complaint involved plastic sheeting from UK Docks that had (possibly due to wind) become entangled with the barbed wire on the top of their fence that borders my property.  The tatters that remain are an eyesore. I told Mr Burrell that the original complaint about this  matter was submitted to the Council shortly after the problem was discovered.
The original complaint was not answered, though my latest attempt using Mr Burrell had slightly more success.
He informed me that my type of complaint did not form part of his duties and that he had passed on a message to UK Docks.
Needless to say the plastic sheeting still continues to degrade the area with a hugh side of a unapproved planned shed as a background.
I agree with your sentiments that: The Council seemingly endorsed UK Docks behaviour and virtually wrote the script for them to get their second shed through planning.

Paul H

On Tuesday, 9 February 2016, 9:16, Mick wrote:


Think it’s just for internal use – check with Alison Hoy at Customer Advocates.
I asked her about [PROTECT] a couple of years ago when Cunningham and Atkinson started using it to reply to awkward questions, like how high is the shed? and she told me that it was for internal use.
So it’s probably a device to try and stop you broadcasting his reply. Best check anyway.
The Council practically endorsing UK Docks behaviour and virtually writing the script for them to get their second shed through planning makes one think doesn’t it?
I used to believed it was because UK Docks had a monopoly on the repair of the Port of Tyne pilot boats coupled with the vice like grip that the PoT has on Council Planning but since your reports of the Planning Committee proceedings of the 1st Feb I think it is much more complicated than that.


One thought on “Litter from UK Docks”

  1. Not sure if Mr Burrell is well out of order. It means that your complaint has not been logged with the Council so they need not take any action. Write back to him and say if it is not his responsibility then please refer it to whoever in the Council is responsible for it. Get a Case No. and I suggest you try to get Cllr Wood to look into it.

    Experience shows that UK Docks don’t listen to Cllr Anglin and one cannot be sure where Cllr Macmillan is – she can be rather selective in her support.

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