Noise & Industrial Site

Environment Office,

Despite your reassurances that the company running the tyneslipway abutting Harbour View were being nothing but co-operative, today work has commenced, unrelated to construction, that is creating unacceptable noise.
The noise is not being contained in the shed which has not been constructed in accordance with the planning permission (a sepaerate query with the planning authority has been raised in this regard) in so far as it has no doors.

I request that one of your operatives visit the site immediately to investigate and to apply the legislation which surely does not permit this level of disturbance.

You have previously stated that this is an ‘industrial site’. It is unclear to me where this ‘status’ arises and whether there is a legal definition. Are you able to advise?
Also you have stated that there are other commercial operations in the area. This may be so but they are not impacting on the residents ability to enjoy their homes in peace.

I await your immediate reply.
David Routledge