71 Greens Place

From the front it appears to be like any of the other houses in the terrace unless one walks over to the fence along Greens Place in an attempt to look through the trees to try and see the river. Look up and you will see a rooftop balcony from which the owner can look over the trees and watch the river with its delightful sunsets etc.

From the back one will notice that it  completely dwarfs No. 70  and overshadows No.72. The owner of 72 relied at that time for his living and was in no position to complain and the building inspector made himself unavailable at the most critical times, i.e. when the girders to hold the roof terraces were being fitted. The sort of girders used to support the travelling crane in UK Docks shed were used to support both the main house roof and the rear of the upper terrace.

Yes, there appeared to be two strands to the way that planning officers applied the rules and each is clearly shown in the photograph taken from the roman fort, Arbeia.