71 Greens Place

Retro to non-Retro and Back in 4 Steps and two Applications
From ST/0749/13/FUL to ST/0749/13/HFUL
Location: 71 Greens Place.

Date Proposal
1. 31-Jul-2013
Retrospective consent sought for works to heighten walls to rear extension and for the installation of solar panels to roof.
2. 6-Aug-13
Consent sought for construction of a wall to the west side boundary of the patio above the ground floor extension as a substitution of the approved fence under application reference ST/0966/12/FUL- drawing 000. Construction of a wall to the west side of a flat roof above the two-storey extension. Introduction of solar panels at roof level above the two-storey extension.
The drawing new Drawing 000, showing what had been built rather then what had been permitted under ST/0966/12/FUL was received from the architect Dr J Martin for ST/0749/13/FUL.
3. 12-Nov-13
Consent sought for construction of a wall to the west side boundary of the patio above the ground floor extension as a substitution of the approved fence under application reference ST/0966/12/FUL. Construction of a wall to the west side of a flat roof above the two-storey extension. Introduction of solar panels at roof level above the two-storey extension.
MD to Planning
In her last e-mail, Chris Matten enclosed an amended drawing no 12. . . I have noticed that this plan has been removed from the planning portal within a matter of days after my comment. While I am gratified to see my concerns being responded to, I am equally concerned as to why the amended drawings to the original plans, Planning Application ST/0966/12/FUL, Nos. 00 and 000 have not appeared on the planning portal. These are the only drawings showing a fence to our side of the patio, a condition of the Committee’s approval.
4. 5-Dec-13
GA to MD
Retrospective application for construction of parapet walls around the first floor patio above the ground floor rear extension and the flat roof above the two storey extension and installation of roof level solar panels
GA to JM
Retrospective application for construction of parapet walls around the first floor patio above the ground floor rear extension and the flat roof above the two storey extension and installation of roof level solar panels.For the avoidance of doubt this decision relates to the following plans and/or specifications:
Drg No. 17 (amended) received 17/09/2013 *1
Drg No. 000 (amended) received 17/09/2013 *2
Drg No. 00 (amended) received 17/09/2013 *3
Drg No. 12 received 22/10/2013 *4

Conclusion. Mr Haig was saved considerable extra expense and the fact that his extension had been built without planning permission remained hidden, as does the planning officers’ total disregard of the guidance given in SPD9. The first was hidden with the connivance of the architect Dr J Martin and the second was hidden by the misuse of the complaints procedure by South Tyneside Council.

*1 – drawing 17 was not published.
*2 – drawing 000 (amended without the fence) which was meant for ../FUL is now attached to ../HFUL.
*3 – drawing 00 (amended) was not published and a copy of the original 00 has never been seen.
*4 – drawing 12 introduces the solar panels three months after the Council had accepted application ST/0749/13/FUL from Mr Haig.