To: Planning Enquiries at STC [3] 10-Jan-14

Enquiry 2: Slipway Development – River Drive.

I have estimated that that the width of structure is 13.2m the drawings detail 12.2m.

The Planning Office were saying that “The dimensions of the steelwork have been checked on site and they are in accordance with the measurements shown on the approved drawings. The variation in the angle of the pillars is not considered to be material”.

This was in January 2014 – they had known the width of the shelter to be 13.1m since September.

One thought on “To: Planning Enquiries at STC [3] 10-Jan-14”

  1. It is very clear in the drawings submitted by UK Docks and the drawings sent to me that the base of the shelter was designed to be 12.2m wide. The Council have known it was 13.1m wide for four months. Later they say that the increase in width is a minor material consideration. If one takes into account the extra width(3m) at the crane height gained by making the sides vertical then it looks to be a major deviation from the grant of permission.

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