Tyne Slipway Hoist

I live in Harbour View , Littlehaven, South Shields.
For the past year or so I have put up with the ear bashing noise of workman with their wagons, cranes , welding gear, metal saws ,muck and thick black dust on my washing , I can not hang any out now;  It also invades inside my home.
Now, apart from the dirt and noise pollution , I have had workmen being hoisted about twenty feet past my window while I was getting my granddaughter ready for nursery , this feels to me a total invasion of my privacy. I strongly object to this being allowed next to a residential area.
My only conclusion that this has been allowed is someone having an invested interest .
Please pass this on to head of planning at south tyneside  town hall
Mrs Marilyn Chapman

2 thoughts on “Tyne Slipway Hoist”

  1. Reply to Mrs Chapman’s message submitted to the Council.

    The Council has been investigating the erection of the slipway cover at the site next to Harbour View, off River Drive. When those investigations are completed we will contact various local residents who have raised the matter with the Council. If you wish, I can add your name to that list, but please let me know if you want to be contacted again.

    However, with regards to the specific issue that you now raise, that is, the invasion of privacy caused by the use of a hoist at the site, I’m afraid that is not something the Council can control as the slipway site is an established general industrial use.

    Planning Manager

    1. From: Marilyn Chapman
      Date: 18 March 2014 18:18:55 GMT
      To: STMBC Planning office
      Subject: Slipway river drive

      I would firstly like to respond to the STMBC Planning Managers’ comment that the council cannot control the use of hoists on the slipway site. So I ask, if the council can’t control this , then who do you suggest I speak to who can control it?
      As for the term ” an established general industrial site” is a load of tosh , yes there was occasional repairs to the nexus ferry which sometimes encroached on my privacy whilst I sat on my balcony but this was few and far between. What is happening now is a total different ball game. The noise , smoke ,dust and fumes is making my life a nightmare . I can no longer go out onto my balcony, I was looking forward to the summer to sit out and enjoy the quiet after moving into my apartment 20 months ago and spending a fortune making it into my retirement home, only to find I might as well have bought a dump in temple town area of Tyne Dock and had McNulty as my neighbours.
      I have rang to complain to environmental health about dust, fumes ,noise and smoke and not had any reply .
      Never before have I complained to the council , only this past few months as I am totally enraged by what you are allowing to happen on mine and other residents doorstep
      Regards Mrs Marilyn Chapman

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