UK Docks Development on River Drive

From: Michelle Martin-Robinson
To STMBC :  Planning; Environmental Health
Cc: John Wood (Chairman of Planning Committee); Members of Planning Committee

Dear Sirs
Please allow me to introduce myself.
I am a relatively new resident of Greens Place and one of a growing number of people in the area asking questions about the illegal construction and use of a development at the Tyne Slipway site.
As you may, or may not, be aware construction above ground commenced back in September 2013 utilising a 1996 approval by the Tyne & Wear Development Corporation.
Despite frequent and numerous contacts to both Planning and Environmental Health (and the supposed involvement of the council legal team) no enforcement appears to have occurred.Even with the admission that the structure is larger than originally approved no enforcement appears to have occurred – why not?
What we currently witness is a glorified oversized car port (open at both ends) and which, as of last Monday (17th March), appears to have been put to work.If this were a domestic property a Certificate of Occupancy or Certificate of Completion would be required before the property could be legally used.  Has this been issued?
If not, then how can you permit the shed to be in use?
A barge/boat from Port of Tyne arrived last Monday afternoon (17th March), since when the neighbourhood has echoed to the sound of generators, compressors and “chipping” as said vessel has been prepared for repainting.Due to the open nature of the shed, and its position, the noise seems to “bounce” around the surrounding buildings especially as noisy equipment has been sited outside of the shed.I assume the workers also have concerns about some particulates escaping the confines of the shed as a makeshift tarpaulin has been erected but, as you will see in the attached picture, it is wholly inadequate for that task.
My final point refers back to the original 1996 TWDC approval which prohibited work after 7pm Monday to Saturday and entirely on Sundays.The structure has been permanently lit from dusk until dawn this past week in addition to several occasions during construction – is this allowable?
There were workers on site before 8am yesterday (Sunday 23rd March) and whilst there were comings and goings throughout the day until approximately 4pm one worker remained on site until at least 5.30am this morning.As you can see in the attached picture (taken at the time) the shed is fully lit and his vehicle is parked next to the shed suggesting work is taking place outside of permitted hours.

  • The illegal nature of the actual structure has been established and documented by council officers (but it took 4 months).
  • Health and Safety violations were identified and documented during its construction by the HSE.
  • UK Docks appear to have been allowed to ignore or pay “lip service” to any local government intervention.
How can this be allowed to continue?

South Tyneside Council and it’s officers are supposed be to the guardians of our town for all of its residents but have so far seemed reluctant to enforce anything in this case.
If this were a private individual I suspect the full weight of planning law would be brought to bear, so again why not in this case?I await your responses, and as this is matter of some urgency, well within the 20 working days as identified within the Freedom of Information Act and Environmental Information Regulations.

Yours faithfully
Michelle Martin Robinson