
3 March 2014       To the Chief Executive STMBC,

The attached signatories are concerned about recent developments at Tyne Slipway and Engineering Ltd, River Drive, South Shields.
We protest at:
1.    A lack of relevant information from STMBC
2.    A lack of public consultation on the unannounced construction
3.    Lack of research and impact surveys
4.    Apparent negligence by STMBC
5.    Apparent breach of planning law by the developers

We are concerned that by its actions in this case STMBC is in breach of its own Local Development Framework Core Strategy Objectives, eg. “to protect and enhance the boroughs coastline and water frontage; to ensure that the individual and cumulative effects of development do not breach noise, hazardous substances or pollution limits; to increase public involvement in decision making and civic activity”.

Local residents wish to live in peace and harmony with appropriate light industry as we have for many years, supporting the cultural heritage and environment of the area for the benefit of residents and visitors. We believe the new development at Tyne Slipway threatens to disrupt this.

Yours sincerely,
Signatories attached.

Email to Planning – 4 Mar 2014

Dear Mr . . . . . . . . (Council representative)

With this e-mail I have agreed to act as spokesperson for the local Riverside Residents.

A meeting was held with members of the local community and I can now answer your question as to ‘what kind of action we would like the Council to take’. Thank you also for confirming that the Slipway Shed is not built to the approved 1996 plans.

The immediate response from residents was to request the slipway construction be removed. However the universally agreed request of Council, is that there is immediate cessation of work on the Slipway Shed until such time as appropriate community consultation with the relevant council departments can be arranged.

It has been brought to the notice of Residents that major work is planned for the remaining part of the site which includes two further and possibly larger sheds and  a new slipway. We understand the nature of the work to be undertaken on completion of the planned development will constitute heavy engineering.

You must understand that there is serious concern among the local community over the impact of the current structure and future development of this site.

We look forward to your early response.

yours sincerely

Michael Dawson

Please forward as required:


Are residents of Greens Place and Harbour View being treated fairly by South Tyneside Council over the issue of the shed on the slipway on River Drive?

If you think the answer is no and you wish to do something about it even if it is just adding your voice to the numbers protesting about its presence please get in touch. If have friends who do not have access to the WWW then please contact* us on their behalf.

If anyone has any old newspaper clippings about this  please let us know the publication and date or scan it and send it in.

If anyone has any correspondence about the slipway shed that they feel the can share, again please contact us.

*A post box is not available as the administration of the site is not static and may not be local.

From: Principal Planning Officer: 20-Dec-13

From: Principal Planning Officer
To: Michael Dawson
Date: Fri, 20 Dec 2013 09:17:46 +0000
Subject: RE: TGA – Town Hall Meeting 25 Nov [PROTECT]*

Mr Dawson – once again – I have measured this on site and have copied the 1996 plans across to you twice already (attached again for your use) and I have explained during our meeting that the base and height of the structure are compliant…this is the end of the matter as far as I am concerned

Please do not email me again.

Principal Planning Officer

* [PROTECT] is used internally by South Tyneside Council.

Fallout from meeting 25-Nov-13

From: Michael Dawson
Sent: 16 December 2013 16:10
To: Cllr John Anglin; Peter Cunningham
Cc: Members of TGA Committee
Subject: TGA – Town Hall Meeting 25 Nov

Cllr John Anglin,

Inappropriate Developments on the Riverside.

Thank you for the summary of the meeting of the 25th Nov. I agree that this is a reasonable record of the meeting. However, the TGA Committee members where made to understand by the current Chairman, Graeme Watson, that this would be a formal meeting ‘standard meeting with structured protocols’. So far details of the meeting have been word of mouth only, as you say no records exist, which makes the dissemination of information to the wider membership difficult.

I would like to comment on your first point about drawings seen and have attached three images to help make this clear.  First a sketch of the plans I think we were discussing at the meeting (image on the left) and second, a detail from the drawing, date stamped 6th Sept, provided by Peter Cunningham. The photo of the structure completed in early September speaks for itself.

I have measured the structure concerned and it is a meter wider than the date stamped plan provided. Therefore the footings placed in 2001 must have been set a meter wider as well. An image was forwarded to Peter Cunningham showing that the current structure is too short to accommodate the Nexus Ferry; not suitable for purpose?

I maintain that the existing construction has not been built to the plans as circulated by Peter Cunningham. I am therefore requesting a copy of the plan presented at the November meeting as represented by my sketch. I am concerned that the planning department is about to allow a building that is not being constructed to an approved plan an occurrence of which I have personal experience.

This is an important issue to residents of the Riverside who need to be kept fully informed, particularly as it is understood that Mr Wilson or his representatives are currently in the pre-planning stage with the council regarding further works.

I believe therefore that any future meetings regarding this matter should be formal and recorded.

Yours sincerely
Michael Dawson.

Gazette: 10 Sept 2013

Pledge over shed blocking the view

SHELTER ROW ... the industrial shed being erected near homes in Harbour View, South Shields.

SHELTER ROW … the industrial shed being erected near homes in Harbour View, South Shields.

Published on the 10 September 2013 09:33

SOUTH Tyneside Council has pledged to keep tabs on building work at a huge industrial shed which is blocking riverside views.

The 36ft-high structure is just yards from homes in Harbour View, South Shields.
The first residents knew of the development was when it emerged almost overnight at the Tyne Slipway.

How we broke this story

Anger as development begins 17 years on

Although planning permission was originally granted in 1996 by the Tyne and Wear Development Corporation, work has only just started.
He added: “The application was for the building of a shelter to allow boat repairs to be carried out under cover at this established boat repair yard.
“Work began in 2001 with the building’s foundations completed in accordance with building regulations approval.
“The remaining construction works that are being undertaken are being checked for conformity under the building regulations by the council’s building control team.
“A planning officer has visited the site to ensure the building works are being undertaken in line with the permission that was granted in 1996.”


Height and Response:1 9-Sep-2013

From: Principal Planning Officer
To: Greens Place Resident
CC: 6 Other Concerned Residents; Cllr John Anglin; Allr Audrey Mcmillan; Cllr.John.Wood
Date: Mon, 9 Sep 2013 16:00:04 +0100
Subject: RE: Approved boat repair shelter at Tyne Slipway, River Drive, South Shields [NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED] [PROTECT]

This email has been classified as: PROTECT

Hello – I stamped these drawings on the day they were handed to me in reception, as I explained these are copies of drawings passed in 1996 by the T&W Development Corporation the only difference is that these drawings do not have the approved stamps on them.
I attach a link to the Council’s website explaining the complaints procedure.

Complaints Procedure


Principal Planning Officer

From: Greens Place Resident
Sent: 09 September 2013 15:21
To: Principal Planning Officer
Cc: 6 Other Concerned Residents; Cllr John Anglin; Allr Audrey Mcmillan; Cllr.John.Wood
Subject: Re: Approved boat repair shelter at Tyne Slipway, River Drive, South Shields [NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED]

Dear  .  .  .  .  .  ,

From the stamp date on the revised plans, you have received plans on the 06.09.13 the day after construction commenced which show a increased height to the structure to that which was originally approved in 1996. Has the revised height of 15.5metres been approved or is it in breach of the 1996 Planning approval?

Please can you send me full details of the relevant complaints procedure.

Greens Place Resident

Gazette: 09 Sept 2013

Anger as development begins 17 years on

NO RIVER VIEW ... the emerging Tyne Slipway structure.

NO RIVER VIEW … the emerging Tyne Slipway structure.

Published on the 09 September 2013 11:00

RIVERSIDE residents in South Tyneside are up in arms after work began on a huge industrial shed – 17 years after planning permission was granted.

The 36ft-high structure is being built just yards from their homes in Harbour View, South Shields, and householders were stunned when the steel structure emerged almost overnight at the Tyne Slipway.
It obstructs clear views of the river for people living in the area.
Residents had received no notice of the work on the building – which will be used as a warehouse to carry out repairs to the Shields Ferry and other work for the Port of Tyne.
Now they have been informed that the applicant does not require planning permission – as a previous application had been granted back in 1996.
Peter Hepburn, 73, who has lived in Harbour View for seven years, now looks out at the giant structure from his back window.
He said: “I knew nothing about it until huge trucks arrived, carrying long girders, and they started to assemble it on site.
Apparently the application was agreed in 1996 but, because of the economic situation at the time, or whatever, it never went ahead.”
Although the applicant did not go ahead with the work, the foundations of the structure were laid and, as a result, it was not necessary under law for a new planning bid to be made.
Mr Hepburn added: “I can’t say we are happy about this. The clear view of the river is gone.
“Most of the people around here weren’t here in 1996, and when they bought properties, were not told that this application had been made.
“At the moment there is only one structure, but there are more girders there waiting to be erected.
“After that I believe corrugated plastic will cover it, which will completely block our views.”
A spokesman for the applicant, UK Docks, said: “All I can say is that we have been through all the controls with the planners, and the work meets all the necessary legal requirements.

“All we are doing is going ahead with the previous planning permission.”

A spokesman for ferry owners Nexus confirmed that UK Docks had recently been successful in tendering for maintenance work.

It is believed the slipway is the nearest available to carry out that work.

The alternative would have been to ship the ferries to the River Wear.
