Tidying up

Serious update being done. The ‘Details’ timeline is being made logically sound i.e. broken apart and rebuilt. Also it is no longer a shed; it’s a cover and so hopefully the references in Google will slowly change. Bit rarer than shed so  if anyone in the world types in ‘slipway cover’ they will get theharbourview.co.uk. Apologies for any inconvenience caused by my megalomania.


The Shed does not have Planning Permission

Below is a clarification of a complaint against the council (at stage 3).

Subject: Inappropriate Development on River Drive. STC [PROTECT]
From: “Customer Advocates”
Date: Mon, November 24, 2014 10:12 am
To: “mick.dawson@theharbourview.co.uk”

Dear Mr Dawson

Thank you for your email dated 21 November 2014 which was forwarded to me for consideration.

I can confirm that as previously advised, the Council accepts that the structure in question does not have planning permission. My Stage 3 response to you dated 25 September 2014 also explained the reasons for the Council’s Head of Development Services’ decision that it was not expedient to take planning enforcement action with respect to the development. I am sorry that I am unable to make these points any more clearly than I already have.

I note your intention to approach the Local Government Ombudsman and this is the correct route for you to now follow if you remain dissatisfied with the Council’s handling of this matter.

Yours sincerely
Performance and Information Officer

The Petition.

Just history now, removed from the menu but there is copy of it in ‘Evidence’ if anyone is interested. South Tyneside Council ignored it but 300 people added their names including 38 from this website so it was important . Thank you everyone.

Noise – 1st September

Good afternoon everyone,

For anybody who is at home this afternoon I’m sure you’re aware of the noise emanating from UK Docks River Drive site. I have lodged a complaint with S T Council Customer Services 4277000, which means that it will be logged in their system and raised with an Environmental Health Officer. Anybody else experiencing the noise today please take a minute to let S T Council know. It’s important that we maintain our community and individual voice regarding  the ‘Shed’ and any  nuisance it causes which will also add to the weight of our objections to the live planning application: ST/0461/14/FUL.


Shields Ferry sails through her underwater MoT

Published on the 21 August 2014 08:53 by Shields Gazette

THE Shields Ferry remains shipshape for passenger service – after sailing through a key inspection carried out by a remote control mini submarine.
A remotely operated vehicle (ROV) was sent underwater to check out the hull of the Spirit of the Tyne – after fears the vessel could have been left high and dry.
The Spirit of the Tyne, the newer of two ferries used by operators Nexus, was due to enter dry dock for the mandatory hull inspection.
But doubts over the availability of the dry dock facility on the Tyne left the ferry operators seeking an alternative. Continue reading Shields Ferry sails through her underwater MoT

Technical Exam Question


Unfortunately the main drawing is unavailable due to technical difficulties in the planning office. Please use the drawing above which is a detail from north gable end of a planned boat shed and estimate the height and width of the gable end at the southern end.

You are given that:-

  • The roof is flat.

  • The slope rises by 2.7 meters over the length of the shed.

  • 686mm x 254mm RSJ is being used to construct the frame.

You are also requested to give some indication of the accuracy of your estimate as important decisions have to be made before the full plan is likely to be available.

Answers in the comments box below please.
Alternatively you can write to: Send in an answer with an estimate of accuracy

UK Docks new Planning Application for River Drive

Please take 10 minutes to read this and take action by 24th July (three days time)
Your objection does not need to be long or complicated, if you only have 5 minutes to spare simply write a line stating your objection.

Firstly the status of our petition oversized shed being built on River Drive South Shields by UK Docks is that ST Council have admitted that the ’shed’ has not been built to plan, and the only course of action available to the Council to consider is to ask the developer to take the shed down, but they have decided not to enforce that action. That fight goes on. Continue reading UK Docks new Planning Application for River Drive

Leaflet re: Expansion plans


tyne slipway-febr14shedmb01lawtop

Further Development at River Drive

News from ‘theharbourview.co.uk’

You will have seen, (probably heard) and been dismayed by the development of the UK Docks site at River Drive.

Some of you have already made your feelings clear by signing a petition protesting against the development (over 300 signatures to date). Others have gone further and registered official complaints with South Tyneside Planning Department, local Councillors, and other professionals who are obliged to protect your rights and interests.

This persistence has resulted in admissions from the Planning Department that the current structure has not been built to plan and that conditions set out in the original planning permission (back in 1996!) have been ignored.

Despite these admissions the Planning Department is refusing to take any action or apply any sanctions and we have had no support from Councillors. This fight for justice will continue.

In the meantimeUK DOCKS has now applied to the council to significantly expand the development with potential for more damaging consequences for the neighbourhood.

We strongly advise that you visit the planning portal at www.southtyneside.info/article/9015/Search-planning-applications

or go to the Town Hall to view the proposals. The planning reference is ST/0461/14/FUL

Reverse Side

Why should I be concerned?

The new proposals will:

  • Create further traffic issues. We are already plagued by lorries and cranes blocking River Drive and by careless parking, this can only get worse;

  • Create more noise, more often, both during construction and also once the site is fully operational;

  • Create an increased risk of environmental contamination, both in the air and to watercourses. The owners have already failed to comply with a planning condition to fully enclose the shed and have let waste from ship cleaning drain directly into the River Tyne;

  • Further compromise our visual amenity. Planning law does not allow us to complain about ‘the view’, although the view is clearly affected. However ‘development that adversely affects visual amenity’ can be challenged, if phrased this way.

  • Affect property prices. Once again planning law does not recognise the potential adverse effect on property prices as a legitimate reason to challenge a planning application but be under no illusion this is a serious risk to the value of your home.

The owners of the yard have already demonstrated their willingness to disregard previous planning constraints and may well do so again and it appears we cannot expect the planning authorities to be even handed.

OK I’m concerned, what should I do?

The planning application is currently open for consultation, but time is running out. This is your only chance to express your views as a concerned resident.

Make your feelings known. Please don’t rely on others to pursue this. The more people who register an objection the more difficult it will be for the Council to ignore strong local feelings. Objections are not limited to one per household.

Register your objections as soon as you can. We only have until Friday 11 July to respond.

How do I register my views?

If you want to protect your rights as a resident and exercise your democratic right to protest you should:

  • Make a formal objection to the Council. Set out your views in writing. Use your own words and let the authorities know how you feel. It would be best to challenge specific aspects of the proposals as well as the general principle that the development is inappropriate.

  • Send your objection to the Planning Department either via the portal or by letter (see below).

  • Copy in your local Councillor. They are your democratic representative and need to be aware of the strength of feeling.

  • Ask for an acknowledgement that your objections or complaints have been received.

Useful addresses

Main planning portal: www.southtyneside.info/article/9015/Search-planning-applications (reference ST/0461/14/FUL)

Email your objections to: planningapplications@southtyneside.gov.uk

Or post to:  Planning Group, Town Hall and Civic Offices, Westoe Road, South Shields, Tyne and Wear, NE33 2RL.

A Shed Too High?

Senior officers of STC do not accept the proposition that the shed is built 3m too high and that quite detailed drawings are not drawn to scale.  At the same time they do accept that it is built 1 m too wide.  Read more.

More interestingly the plans for the expansion of UK Docks business at River Drive where it is surrounded on two sides by residential properties have caught the attention of the Press outside South Shields.