1986 – 2013

Date Action
1986 In the eighties it is believed that the owner sold the lease as he said it would not be a viable proposition if he was not allowed to build a shed as big as he wished. Most of the site was wasteland for some time. It appeared that the Council own the land at that time but they are unwilling to release any records of any sales.
1995 Acquisition of site by Mr and Mrs Wilson. Land Ref: TY205897: Covenants were attached to the sale of the land adjacent to the slipway, presumably to do with land use but could be more to do with remains of the Roman harbour wall found nearby.
11.4.1996 Planning application for erection of shelter to allow boat repairs to be carried out under cover. Drawing 8296/1A was made available for viewing at the Town Hall. The height of the river end is given quite clearly in a detail.
The height at the other end is slo given as 15.5m but it is an error.
15.5.96 Letter from T&WDC inviting nearby residents/occupiers their views on the planning aspects of the proposal. The application and detailed plans were available for inspection at the Department of Planning, Town Hall and Civic Offices Westoe Road by agreement with the STMBC per letter from T&WDC Page 1 & Page 2
 Mid 1996 The Council Environmental Service objected to shot blast activity being used on site due to a complaint by residents and the Secretary of the boat yard next to the slipway.
The Tyne and Wear Development Corporation also stated that they would not support any additional expansion of the yard so close to a residential area. For these details and more see: Disc Review of planning information at the town council by Paul Hepburn.

1996 Grant of Permission by T & W Development Corporation

Planning Permission is granted for a cover at Tyne Slipway & Engineering Company Ltd. River Drive South Shields. Subject to conditions: Particulars of Application and notes:-

  1. The development of which this permission relates shall be begun not later than the expiration of five years beginning with the date of decision.
  2. The development to which this permission relates shall be carried out in complete accordance with the approved plans and specifications.
  3. Not work shall commence on site until full details, including samples of all external materials and colour treatments have been submitted to and approved by the Development corporation as local planning authority.
  4. No works shall commence on site until full details, including drawings[8296/14] and sections on a 1:20 scale, of the means of attachment of the mono-flex end panels to the roof and the main sites of the shelter and to each other to ensure:-
    1. That the ends of the structure are fully enclosed when works are being undertaken and hence that there are no emissions of over-spray particles to the surrounding environment.
    2. That the mono-flex panels are fully secured when no works are being undertaken to prevent any flapping of these panels in the wind – have been submitted to and approved by the development corporation as local planning authority. Thereafter these approved details shall be implemented to the full satisfaction of the Development corporation prior to the commencement of any operational  works within the shelter.
  5. No works other than the launching or beaching of vessels, shall take place within the shelter between the hours of 7pm and 7am Monday to Saturday and not at all on Sundays or Bank holidays unless any written consent of variation is previously given by the development corporation as local planning authority.

The reasons for the above conditions are:-
As required by section 91 of the town and country planning act 1990. To ensure that the development shall not vary from the approved plans.
1) To ensure a satisfactory form of development hi the interests of the visual amenity of the area.
2) In the interests of the amenity of the surrounding area, which includes residential and tourism/leisure related uses.

Tyne and Wear Development Corporation was dissolved in 1998.