Author Archives: moderator

Response to Complaint re Cllr A: MP

Dear Emma, Cllr Anglin and the meeting at the Town Hall 25-Nov-13. I wrote to you on the 1-Oct thanking you for taking notice of my complaint. You will know by now the Council did eventually acknowledge my complaint and … Continue reading

Posted in Abuse of Complaints System, MP, Planning | Leave a comment

Cllr A: Short Appraisal

Three main concerns about the Council’s response to my complaint against Councillor Anglin. no feed back reference number (FBR); rewriting of complaint to so that it does not have to be addressed; addition of misinformation/misrepresentation which is later repeated as … Continue reading

Posted in Abuse of Complaints System, Misconduct, Misinformation/Misrepresentation | Leave a comment

Council Solicitor’s Reply – a Critique

The residents were fairly certain that UK Docks had built their shed wider and higher than permitted but Council just kept repeating that it was approved. The Tyne Gateway Association (TGA) was resurrected as a means to break out of … Continue reading

Posted in Abuse of Complaints System, Misconduct, Misinformation/Misrepresentation | Leave a comment

Complaint to LGO

[Central to this complaint are the three emphasized paragraphs, 25-Nov, 20-Dec and 13-Feb. The approved drawings made their appearance between those dates.] 12-Dec-14 Complaint to LGO – What do you think the body did wrong? The Council have allowed the … Continue reading

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Observations and Complaint, 10-Jan-14

From: M Dawson To: Subject: Slipway Development – River Drive. Date: Fri, 10 Jan 2014 15:55:35 Dear Sir. Please find attached copies of drawings nos. 8296/1A and 8296/1B, 8296/14 and a photograph of the road end elevation of the … Continue reading

Posted in Planning, UK Docks | 1 Comment

denied – Request for approved documents

The Correspondence following a meeting, 25-Nov-2013, originally called because the Planning Officer had stopped communicating is laid out in a flat file below. The initial drawings sent to the complainants indicated that the shed was about 3m taller than planned. … Continue reading

Posted in Misconduct, Planning | Leave a comment

Cllr A: Dear Ms Hayton (Covering Email)

Covering Email:  11-Dec-18 Dear Ms Hayton, I have used this format as there are a lot of references in the letter (attached). This saves on attachments as one only need to glance at them to see who is backing up … Continue reading

Posted in LGO, Misconduct, Misinformation/Misrepresentation | Leave a comment

Cllr A: Dear Ms Hayton

11-Dec-18 Dear Ms Hayton, I make no apologies for digging through early correspondence to establish the truth behind the slipway shed on River Drive. When decisions are made about whether a development has been built to plan it is obvious … Continue reading

Posted in LGO, Misconduct, Misinformation/Misrepresentation | 1 Comment

Cllr A: Clarification

Hi Paul, You received a copy because I put the local people who had protested from the early days into the blind copy line (BCC:). It’s a standard method used by clubs and small organisations for distributing important notices. There … Continue reading

Posted in LGO, Misconduct, Misinformation/Misrepresentation | Leave a comment

To Paul Hepburn

Paul was one of correspondents from the early days. He discovered that the Council had originally put the conditions on the enclosure to make sure that the Tyne Slipway business could not be expanded without a resubmission to the Planning … Continue reading

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