Category Archives: Corruption

Mansbridge Trap – In Detail

Set in June 2014 The complaint 248789 had run its course by March 2014 when the Planning Manager was thanked for conceding that the shed was too tall by 3m by reference to drawing  8296/2 and we should have been … Continue reading

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Council repeat Denial

RE: Complaint: 248789 – Unplanned Development on River Drive Date: 27/07/2020 (16:35:05 BST) From: Nicola Robason To: Cc: Cllr Angela Hamilton, Cllr David Francis, Emma Lewell-Buck MP, Keith Palmer, Customer Advocates, Hayley Johnson, Simon Buck, Anne-Marie Trevelyan MP, Angela … Continue reading

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To Monitoring Officer, 22 July 20

Fwd: Complaint: 248789 – Unplanned Development on River Drive From: Date: 22/07/2020 (12:33:34 GMT) To: Nicola Robason Cc: Emma Lewell-Buck MP, Anne-marie Trevelyan MP, Cllr Angela Hamilton, Cllr David Francis, Keith Palmer, Customer Advocates, Hayley Johnson, Simon Buck, Bcc: … Continue reading

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Culture of Denial

From: Date: 18/05/2020 (09:07:23 AM BST) To: Keith Palmer Cc: Emma Lewell-Buck MP, Cllr Angela Hamilton, Cllr David Francis, Customer Advocates, Simon Buck Dear Mr Palmer If you had told me that Simon Buck was listening into our phone … Continue reading

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The Buck/Palmer Con

I was contacted by the MP’s office, Mr Buck, for my home phone number in Amble for a Mr Palmer and I was content to talk to him as the last message from her office was: Quoting Emma Lewell-Buck: Date:23/12/2019 … Continue reading

Posted in Abuse of Complaints System, Corruption, Denial | 2 Comments

Trouble with Phone Calls

Date: Fri, 31 Jan 2020 15:40:28 +0000 From: To: Nicola Robason Cc: Emma Lewell-Buck MP, Keith Palmer, Simon Buck, Customer Advocates, Peter Cunningham, Cllr Anglin, Cllr Angela Hamilton, Cllr David Francis, Subject: Correspondence with the Office of Emma Lewell-Buck … Continue reading

Posted in Abuse of Complaints System, Corruption, LGO, Misconduct, Misinformation/Misrepresentation | 1 Comment

STC and the LGO

Originally published 8-Jul-16 this letter has been republished in full for the attention of all because the Council position has not changed since. They maintain that the shed is built to the approved height despite evidence to the contrary; authorised … Continue reading

Posted in Abuse of Complaints System, Corruption, LGO, UK Docks | Leave a comment

Misrepresentation: 14-Jan-20

Two emails were sent to the MP and copied to Mr Palmer but not to Mr Buck as it was assumed that Mr Palmer had taken over from Mr Buck. I spoke to on the phone to Mr Palmer but … Continue reading

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Corporate Lead and Members of Parliament.

The other residents may have made allegations but if they have been complaining about the noise and change of use of the enclosure, it is unlikely. Other than to have born witness to noise issues, I had only complained that … Continue reading

Posted in Abuse of Complaints System, Corruption, Planning, UK Docks | Leave a comment

Dishonesty at the Town Hall: 30-Oct-19

From: Date: 30/10/2019 (07:34:05 AM GMT) To: Emma Lewell-Buck MP Cc: Cllr Angela Hamilton, Cllr David Francis, Cllr Anglin, Nicola Robason Dear Emma, Dishonesty at the Town Hall First of all I would like to thank Angela and yourself … Continue reading

Posted in Abuse of Complaints System, Corruption, LGO | 1 Comment