Author Archives: moderator


This is the nearest to a properly considered complaint or observation I have come across in my dealings with South Tyneside Council but it goes awry as soon as I loose its reference or identification number. An exception being 274396 … Continue reading

Posted in Abuse of Complaints System, Misinformation/Misrepresentation | Leave a comment

Job No 274396 (EIR for Screen Prints)

Initiation. Copied to my mailbox because the Council tend to ignore complaints they do not wish to answer and the original complaint will no longer exist. If they do respond, it will not be to answer the question or help … Continue reading

Posted in Procedure, UK Docks | Leave a comment

The Mansbridge Trap

Set on 2nd June 2014 – after he deleted 248789 and substituted it with 253539 This was a meeting arranged between the Head of Development Services and I to discuss the Agent’s drawing produced in August 2013 to meet 4th … Continue reading

Posted in Abuse of Complaints System, Corruption, Misconduct, Misinformation/Misrepresentation | 1 Comment

Unanswered Post.

To avoid answering the question of the planned height (it is 12.8m or 15.5m depending on the end to which one is referring) of the slipway enclosure, built by UK Docks on River Drive, the Chief Executive appointed his Corporate … Continue reading

Posted in Abuse of Complaints System, LGO, Misconduct | Leave a comment

Dear Monitoring Officer 7-May-2019

The whole point of the original complaint, which I have attached, made when UK Docks restarted work on the enclosure in January 2014, was that they had not applied for retrospective planning permission and as far as I am aware … Continue reading

Posted in South Tyneside Council, UK Docks | 2 Comments


It was confirmed by the Council on 19-Dec-19 that retrospective planning was not awarded 30/04/19 View message Sent from Samsung Galaxy smartphone. Hi Mick I appreciate your arguments, but this far down the line there is nothing we can do. Angela … Continue reading

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New Liaisons: Spring 2019

Below is the exchange that led to text from Julie 1st May; Hi Mick I appreciate your arguments, but this far down the line there is nothing we can do. Angela has talked to several relevant people, and the point … Continue reading

Posted in Information/Evidence | Leave a comment

To Prospective Candidate 27-04-19

Dear David,I should have copied you in to my email to Cllr Angela Hamilton but here is a bit of background to the size of the offending shed. Melanie Todd wrote: Sent: Tuesday, July 01, 2014 3:25 PMSubject: Martin Swales, … Continue reading

Posted in LGO, Misconduct, MP | 1 Comment

Letter to Mr Harding: 9-Apr-19

Amble Northumberland 9th April 2019 Dear Mr Harding, Councillor Anglin, UK Docks and the Enclosure on River Drive Gill Hayton’s response to my complaint about Cllr Anglin and the Town Hall meeting of 25-Nov-13 is not sound but she does … Continue reading

Posted in Denial | 1 Comment

Misconduct of Councillor Anglin (email introduction)

Date: Wed, 27 Mar 2019 16:40:40 -0000 Subject: Cllr A: Slipway Development – River Drive From: To: “Angela Hamilton” Cc: “Andrew Tilbury” “Emma Lewell-Buck MP” “Stephen Hepburn MP” “Anne-marie Trevelyan MP” “Cllr Anglin” “Cllr McMillan” “Gill Hayton (Solicitor)” “Customer … Continue reading

Posted in Abuse of Complaints System, Planning | Leave a comment