Author Archives: moderator

Cllr A: Summary – covering minute.

Dear Angela and Everybody, I’ve used this format of a covering minute and .pdf copy of the letter for a few reasons: it is neat and I can sign and print the .pdf copy if anybody wants one for legal … Continue reading

Posted in LGO, Misconduct, Misinformation/Misrepresentation | 2 Comments

Cllr A: Summary

Dear Angela, Town Hall meeting 25-Nov-2013 – Summary. When the framework for the enclosure over UK Docks slipway went up one would assume that they had permission to build it, especially as the first writings we saw described it as; … Continue reading

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Cllr A: TGA Chair Switches Sides

From the exchange of emails show below it is clear that the Planning Officer was hiding the fact that the shed was wider (and taller) than planned and he was trying to use the Chairman of the resident’s association to … Continue reading

Posted in Misconduct, Misinformation/Misrepresentation | 1 Comment

Cllr A: Width in Detail

Material Divergence of nearly a meter on Width. When I sent Cllr A: To Graeme, it was mainly about the height, to the Chairman of the TGA, and this notice deals with the width. It is published here for reference. … Continue reading

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Cll A: Figure 1

Note that the overall width of the plan is 12,200 or 12.2m. Elevation: the centre of the dimension is about where the 1 of the 12500 is, and the 3000 finishes about half way to that or a quarter and … Continue reading

Posted in LGO, Misinformation/Misrepresentation | 4 Comments

Cllr A: To Graeme

30-Oct-18 Dear Chairman of the TGA, Please cast your mind back to the meeting at the Town Hall on 25-Nov-13, the one arranged to determine whether UK Docks slipway shed had been built to plan, you were Chair of the … Continue reading

Posted in LGO, Misconduct | 1 Comment

Cllr A: Dear Gill Hayton

26 October 2018 Cllr John Anglin and the Town Hall Meeting, 25-Nov-2013. Thank you for responding to my complaint about this. I might be useful if I summarise my correspondence with Cllr Angela Hamilton and the MP for South Shields … Continue reading

Posted in LGO, Misconduct | 2 Comments

Cllr A: Dear Angela-2

This is a continuation of the email I sent you Friday 12th. There was to be a third ‘and more’ but as you can see from my email to the last known secretary of the Tyne Gateway Assn (TGA) it … Continue reading

Posted in Misconduct | 1 Comment

Cllr A: TGA notes

15th October 18 Dear Secretary, I’m sorry to have included you latest correspondence I am having with Councillor Hamilton but you were secretary of the Tyne Gateway Assn (TGA) during the time of which we speak. You can see our … Continue reading

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Cllr A: Gazette Jobs

Dear Councillor Hamilton I see from the Gazette last Sunday that UK Docks have won some orders for their yards on the Wear and Teesside. It looked like the Council were playing the ‘Jobs’ card but on reading the article … Continue reading

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