Cllr A: Width in Detail

Material Divergence of nearly a meter on Width.

When I sent Cllr A: To Graeme, it was mainly about the height, to the Chairman of the TGA, and this notice deals with the width. It is published here for reference.

I wish to make it clear from the outset that all the plans or drawings give a planned width of 12.2m (Figure1) as I did not make this clear in my email to the Chairman of the TGA.

When Tyne Slipway and Engineering renewed their slipway in 2001 they laid the footings for the shed to beat the five year rule and at the same time they made them for a bigger shed than that for which they had been given permission. Some 5m longer (a sixth frame) and a meter wider than planned. Continue reading

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Cll A: Figure 1

Note that the overall width of the plan is 12,200 or 12.2m.

Elevation: the centre of the dimension is about where the 1 of the 12500 is, and the 3000 finishes about half way to that or a quarter and 3 is a quarter of twelve, not fifteen. The 3m should therefore be included in the 12.5m and not added to it . The road elevation is about 12.5m or more correctly 12.8m (15.5m less the gradient of 2.7m) and will be to the end of time, regardless of what South Tyneside Council tell the Ombudsman. Note that this drawing is an amendment to 1A made in Feb 1997. It is the drawing that was presented to the Ombudsman by the Council. I presented 8296/14 which includes a scale drawing (1:100) of the river gable end which is 16m tall.

8296/1B was paired with a copy of 8296/2 with the dimensions on its landward end removed but one could still calculate that they whould have given a height of 12.8m from the gradient between the top and bottom of its ends on the slipway.

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Cllr A: To Graeme


Dear Chairman of the TGA,

Please cast your mind back to the meeting at the Town Hall on 25-Nov-13, the one arranged to determine whether UK Docks slipway shed had been built to plan, you were Chair of the Tyne Gateway at the time. Opinion was divided at that time into two camps, the first being those that said it was ‘legal’ meaning it was built to approved plans and those that did not.

Those that did not, had worked out from the few documents provided by the Principal Planning Officer, Mr Cunningham that it was about 3 meters too high – figure 1, and I shall return to that but before that I need to establish the order true order of events at that time regarding the width of the shed.
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Cllr A: Dear Gill Hayton

26 October 2018

Cllr John Anglin and the Town Hall Meeting, 25-Nov-2013.

Thank you for responding to my complaint about this.

I might be useful if I summarise my correspondence with Cllr Angela Hamilton and the MP for South Shields for those that have not been party to it and remind you the attendees were; Cllrs Anglin and MacMillan, Principal Planning Officer (Mr Cunningham), Chair and Treasurer of the TGA and myself.

It appears that whatever his intentions were, when Cllr Anglin promised to get some clarity, as to whether the shed had been built to plan or not, he completely failed to do so. We went to the meeting he arranged at the Town Hall expecting either, to come away with approved plans that showed we were wrong in our assessment the the shed was too wide and too high, or a concession that we were correct. Continue reading

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Cllr A: Dear Angela-2

This is a continuation of the email I sent you Friday 12th. There was to be a third ‘and more’ but as you can see from my email to the last known secretary of the Tyne Gateway Assn (TGA) it was getting complicated and even then I missed a vital piece of information. Item 3, of the minutes 15-Nov-13.

Confirmation has been received from Planning Department that height of structure is 15.5m measured from point above foundations to road landward side.

It was measured on 17-Sep-13 but notice that there is no mention of the width. A careless omission don’t you think? It was because they would not tell us how wide it was that I had to go and measure for myself a day or so after the meeting (25-Nov-13) and informed all who attended the meeting about it in my email to Cllr Anglin, 16-Dec-13.

We were told at that meeting that the shed was compliant or, as the Planning Manager said, 15-Jan-14, in accordance with the measurements shown on the approved drawings. The drawings, approved or not, give the width as 12.2m. I measured it as 13.2m and we eventually found out (28-Jan-14; four months after they measured it!) that it was actually 13.1m. Continue reading

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Cllr A: TGA notes

15th October 18

Dear Secretary,
I’m sorry to have included you latest correspondence I am having with Councillor Hamilton but you were secretary of the Tyne Gateway Assn (TGA) during the time of which we speak.
You can see our new Councillor is having the same trouble with the Council as we had five years ago, the main difference being that we were only having trouble with Principal Planning Officer, Mr Peter Cunningham and she is now having trouble with the entire Council. Continue reading

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Cllr A: Gazette Jobs

Dear Councillor Hamilton
I see from the Gazette last Sunday that UK Docks have won some orders for their yards on the Wear and Teesside. It looked like the Council were playing the ‘Jobs’ card but on reading the article one can see it has nothing to do with jobs on Tyneside.
I have no objection to Jonathan Wilson siting his headquarters on River Drive but I do object to his boat shed. It was built without planning permission and with the collusion of the planning department of South Tyneside Council. Continue reading

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Announcing Jobs on Teesside.

South Shields firm wins MOD contract worth millions UK Docks, River Drive, South Shields UK Docks, River Drive, South Shields Lisa Nightingale Email Published: 09:00 Sunday 07 October 2018.

Jobs could be created after a South Tyneside-based firm secured a multi-million pound Ministry of Defence contract to repair and restore three Royal Navy ships. UK Docks, which is based in River Drive, South Shields, has dry docks on the Wear and Tees will maintain survey ships HMS Enterprise and HMS Echo as well as ice patrol ship HMS Protector. Continue reading

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Cllr A: Dear MP

Dear Emma,

Thank you for taking notice of my complaint to the Council about the conduct of Cllr Anglin. I have had no acknowledgement from the Council yet and will use the opportunity to disclose to all, omissions from my complaint. I can also lightly touch upon the way that the Council misuse the Local Government Ombudsman to cover up maladministration. Continue reading

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Cllr A Dear Monitoring Officer

Dear Monitoring Officer,
I have a complaint about the conduct of Councillor John Anglin re the Town Hall meeting 25-Nov-13.
A meeting in November 2013 with the Council was arranged by Councillor Anglin, about the height and width of the cover on UK Docks slipway on River Drive in South Shields and to get any evidence that it had been built to plan but we were told that it was compliant i.e. it had been approved and the meeting promptly moved on to speculation about further expansion of the yard.
We, the Residents were given to believe that the meeting was to be formal, and so it should have been: Continue reading

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