Author Archives: moderator

Misrepresentation: 14-Jan-20

Two emails were sent to the MP and copied to Mr Palmer but not to Mr Buck as it was assumed that Mr Palmer had taken over from Mr Buck. I spoke to on the phone to Mr Palmer but … Continue reading

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Broadcast – 23rd December 2019

Fwd: Complaint: 248789 – Unplanned Development on River DriveFrom: Date: 23/12/2019 (11:00:46 AM GMT)To: Cllr Angela Hamilton Cc: Emma Lewell-Buck, Nicola Robason, Cllr David Francis, Alison Hoy Bcc: The Local Residents there two responses:- Date: 23/12/2019 (16:09:38 BST) Good … Continue reading

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No Permission for Enclosure (Shed) on River Drive

RE: Complaint: 248789 – Unplanned Development on River Drive From: Nicola Robason Date: 19/12/2019 (09:56:34 AM GMT) To: Message Log– You forwarded this message on 23/12/2019 11:00:46 AM to: Cllr Angela Hamilton, Emma Lewell-Buck, Nicola Robason, Cllr David Francis, … Continue reading

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Avoiding the issue 2019

The issue is the height of the shed, and that has been an issue since September 2013, being built some 2.7m taller than permitted. Sometimes it was the width as well. The width changed from being of no consequence in … Continue reading

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Corporate Lead and Members of Parliament.

The other residents may have made allegations but if they have been complaining about the noise and change of use of the enclosure, it is unlikely. Other than to have born witness to noise issues, I had only complained that … Continue reading

Posted in Abuse of Complaints System, Corruption, Planning, UK Docks | Leave a comment

Complaint: 248789 – Inappropriate Development on River Drive

—– Forwarded message from Nicola Robason —– Date: Thu, 12 Dec 2019 15:56:44 +0000 From: Nicola Robason Subject: RE: Complaint: 248789 – Unplanned Development on River Drive To:, Cllr Angela Hamilton, Cllr John Anglin, Cllr … Continue reading

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Dishonesty at Town Hall, 5-Dec-19

Complaint: 248789 – Unplanned Development on River Drive Date: 05/12/2019 (17:32:25 GMT) From: To: Nicola Robason Cc: Emma Lewell-Buck MP Cllr Angela Hamilton Mike Harding Gill Hayton (Solicitor),George Mansbridge, Hayley Johnson, Stephen Hepburn MP, Alison Hoy Cllr David Francis, … Continue reading

Posted in Abuse of Complaints System, LGO, Misconduct, Misinformation/Misrepresentation | 1 Comment

Freedom of Information Request

Dear Nicola, Please see the Freedom of Information (FOI) request, below. I managed to establish that no retrospective planning application for the shed had been made and I just need you to confirm it. As Monitoring Officer you should be … Continue reading

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To Monitoring Officer 5-DEC-19

Complaint: 248789 – Unplanned Development on River Drive From: Date: 05/12/2019 (17:32:25 GMT) To: Nicola Robason Cc: Emma Lewell-Buck MP, Cllr Angela Hamilton, Mike Harding, Gill Hayton (Solicitor), George Mansbridge,  Hayley Johnson, Stephen Hepburn MP,  Alison Hoy,  Cllr David … Continue reading

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Original Complaint Remains Hidden

It may as well have been destroyed. The email to Michaela was passed back to the author about which the complaint was made when it should have been addressed by Customer Advocacy thus effectively throwing it and my response in … Continue reading

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