Author Archives: moderator

TGA and STC v the Residents

When we were trying and failing to get information about the planned height of UK Dock’s slipway cover out of the Council, a few of us suggested that we get the Tyne Gateway Assn (TGA) involved and an AGM was … Continue reading

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Emasculation of Complaints

This is zero on the list of methods or devices used by the Council to corrupt the complaints procedure. It is used to kill off any valid complaint at birth complaint that the Council do no wish to handle. Its … Continue reading

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The Corporate Mislead

No 3 on the list of abuses of the Council’s use of the Complaints Procedure and is the way that they say that a complaint about a complaint has been handled is the same as the complaint itself. I wrote … Continue reading

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Amendments to Plans and Drawings

9th January 2018 –  Paragraph 2: last sentence deleted: /The only drawing from 1996 held by the Council and authorised by the T&WDC shows a planned height of 12.7m at the inland end./ new paragraph inserted in its place: /The only drawing from … Continue reading

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Interference by the Chair of the TGA.

There was no agenda because the Councillor said at the TGA meeting he would find out if the structure was built to approved plans i.e. it was the only item on the agenda, as simple as that. Some of us … Continue reading

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Corruption 2 – The Back Pass

Where an issue is passed back down the complaints chain, to an earlier link where it was not addressed in the first place. The complaint literally disappears and may as well been chucked in the bin. This is why it … Continue reading

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Email to Paul

On 3 Aug 2017, at 17:19, Michael Dawson wrote: Hi Paul, Because the landing was a restricted byway it was not really owned by anyone but it was the Council’s responsibility and they needed a Secretary of State’s decision to stop … Continue reading

Posted in Planning, South Tyneside Council | 2 Comments

Non-Compliance with Condition 5

Condition 5. – No works, other than the launching or beaching of vessels, shall take place within the shelter between the hours of 7pm and 7am Monday to Saturday and not at all on Sundays or Bank Holidays unless any … Continue reading

Posted in Misconduct, Misinformation/Misrepresentation, Planning | Leave a comment

Mail to Cllr Anglin 8-Aug-17

Dear Cllr Anglin, I first involved you with the affairs of UK Docks over Sunday working which as far as I know had not occurred until December 2016 although the Council tried to link it to a complaint 4 years … Continue reading

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Complaint about Sunday Working.

Breach of Condition 5 From: Michael Dawson Sent: 20 December 2016 15:53 To: Complaints Subject: Re: Sunday Working by UK Docks, River Drive. Dear Sir or Madam, This is the second time in a few weeks that they have been … Continue reading

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