Author Archives: moderator

Who was Keith Palmer?

Who was Keith Palmer? From: Michael Dawson Date: 23/10/2020 (11:58:37 GMT) To: Emma Lewell-Buck Cc: Angela Hamilton Dear Emma, On January 8th I received an email from Simon Buck: Good morning Mr Dawson, I wonder if it is possible to … Continue reading

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a Busy Morning, 26-Feb

I did not spot it at the time but I had written to the Office Manager of the MP for South Shields on the 24th February  explaining how and why the Head of Development Services had overwritten ‘the complaint‘ with … Continue reading

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The first reference in the signed letter to Mr Harding, Head of Legal Services, 19th July 2019 pointed to a deleted post and it has now been reinstated to point correctly to a copy of the letter to him of … Continue reading

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Denial by Monitoring Officer

Fwd: Complaint: 248789 – Unplanned Development on River Drive From: Date: 22/07/2020 (12:33:34 BST) To: Nicola Robason Cc: Cllr Angela Hamilton, Cllr David Francis, Emma Lewell-Buck MP, Keith Palmer, Customer Advocates, Hayley Johnson, Simon Buck, Anne-Marie Trevelyan MP Bcc: … Continue reading

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Mansbridge Trap – In Detail

Set in June 2014 The complaint 248789 had run its course by March 2014 when the Planning Manager was thanked for conceding that the shed was too tall by 3m by reference to drawing  8296/2 and we should have been … Continue reading

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Council repeat Denial

RE: Complaint: 248789 – Unplanned Development on River Drive Date: 27/07/2020 (16:35:05 BST) From: Nicola Robason To: Cc: Cllr Angela Hamilton, Cllr David Francis, Emma Lewell-Buck MP, Keith Palmer, Customer Advocates, Hayley Johnson, Simon Buck, Anne-Marie Trevelyan MP, Angela … Continue reading

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To Monitoring Officer, 22 July 20

Fwd: Complaint: 248789 – Unplanned Development on River Drive From: Date: 22/07/2020 (12:33:34 GMT) To: Nicola Robason Cc: Emma Lewell-Buck MP, Anne-marie Trevelyan MP, Cllr Angela Hamilton, Cllr David Francis, Keith Palmer, Customer Advocates, Hayley Johnson, Simon Buck, Bcc: … Continue reading

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Evasion by Monitoring Officer

Fwd: Complaint: 248789 – Unplanned Development on River Drive From: Date: 22/07/2020 (12:33:34 BST) To: Nicola Robason Cc: Cllr Angela Hamilton, Cllr David Francis, Emma Lewell-Buck MP, Keith Palmer. Customer Advocates, Hayley Johnson, Simon Buck, Anne-Marie Trevelyan MP Bcc: … Continue reading

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to Cllr Francis: 16-July-20

The grammar has been corrected and the method of pointing to files, rather than attaching them, has been used in this notice. Dear Cllr Francis, Please see the email below and note that I have had no reply from Mr … Continue reading

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Into 2020

A week into the year an email was received from the Office Manager for the MP for South Shields for a home phone number for someone who appeared to be taking over the running of the office, a Mr Keith … Continue reading

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