Closure of Tyne Docks

Port of Tyne, which recently announced record profits, has acquired 10 acres of land adjoining its Tyne Dock estate in South Shields from the administrators in charge of overseeing McNulty, for an undisclosed sum.

Port bosses said the deal will support their plans for future growth in both existing and new business sectors, including renewable industries such as offshore wind and biomass.

But GMB regional officer Mick Blench wanted the McNulty site sold as a going concern, and fears the deal spells the end of offshore construction at the yard.

He said: “I’m a little disappointed at this news, but there is still a little bit of hope.

“From what I can gather, there are a few ‘ifs’ and ‘maybes’ with this deal.

“We have a few members at the Port of Tyne, but we have a much bigger presence in offshore construction industry.

“Ideally, we would prefer it if the McNulty yard remained part of that industry, and we will continue to monitor the situation closely.”

McNulty Offshore has been a world leader in its field for a quarter of a century, while the former Readhead’s shipyard site has been the base for ship-related activity for an estimated 200 years.

Andrew Moffat, chief executive of the Port of Tyne, said: “This is a strategically significant site with deep water and, like our existing operations, it is only three miles from the mouth of the river and the North Sea.

“It is a unique opportunity for the port, as the site is directly connected to our existing land at Tyne Dock.

Not quite! Readheads Landing is in the way.

full article

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Letter to Anne-Marie Trevelyan MP

This letter was copied to the Chief Executive and it appears that he just dropped it in the bin. He did not pass it to Haley Johnson or if he did she ignored it when she wrote to the MP for Northumberland.

9th June 2015

Boat Repair Shelter, Tyne Slipway, River Drive

Dear Anne-Marie Trevelyan MP,

Thank you for taking up my case and copying me your letter to Martin Swales, CEO, South Tyneside Council.

I agree with your summary but I must say that one has to be very specific about which end of the shelter one refers to when talking about the height. The fall along the length of the shelter is about 3m and this coincidentally is the height of the apparent overbuild.

You have not specified that the stated height (15.5m) is of the river end of the shelter and it is likely that, Mr Swales, if he follows the arguments of the Planning Manager and the Head of Development Services before him, will say it refers to the road end. The drawing, 8296/1A which they have used for their argument also states the height of the river end as 15.5 meters. This is clearly not consistent given the slope of the slipway.

I maintain that that the dimension at the road end has been specified incorrectly and I think that anyone that has spent any time training in a drawing office will agree with me.

Knowing that both ends of the slipway cover were given heights of 15.5m on drawing 8296/1A  I used a different drawing to gain the admission of the Planning Department that the cover had not been built to an approved plan. They had said at first it was being built to approved plans.

This drawing, 8296/14, is available on the planning portal for all see (8296/1A is not readily available) and it shows the river end gable with door fittings. It has sufficient detail on it  to determine that the height is near enough 15.5m i.e. – nowhere near the 18m of the built height of the river end.

If Mr Swales provides any new plans to show you that I am wrong in my assessment of

the development on River Drive by UK Docks please let me know.

yours sincerely
Michael Dawson

cc Mr M Swales, CEO South Tyneside Council

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Misrepresentations to the LGO

There are many and they are sorted/grouped in the order in which they appear in the Final Draft by the First Inspector.

The main complaint against the Inspector is that she has not addressed the actual complaint and that is:

    • 20-Dec-13, the Case Officer said it was compliant.
    • 13-Feb-14, his Planning Manager conceded that it had not been built to approved plans
    • 2-May-14, the Head of Development Services partially reverted, in his response to our petition, to what the Case Officer was saying – “Apart from the width these dimensions are either entirely in accordance with the approved plan, or subject to such minor deviation that they are properly categorised as non-material changes”

The Inspector omitted to mention the height at all in her first draft and I had to tell her, “there will be little point in pursuing this with the Ombudsman if the height of the structure is not considered.” Continue reading

Posted in Misinformation/Misrepresentation, UK Docks | 1 Comment

Slipway Cover, River Drive, south Shields

From: Michael Dawson <>
Sent: 27 March 2015 07:57
To: Emma Lewell-Buck MP
Cc: Melanie Todd,  Michelle Martin, Peter Quinn , Paul Hepburn, David Routledge
Dear Emma,Eighteen months ago my former neighbour, Miss Melanie Todd wrote to you in September about our concerns regarding a development described as ‘Approved boat repair shelter at Tyne Slipway, River Drive, South Shields’ and asking to meet with you. I understand at the meeting, the Residents expressed concerns that, firstly it was being built on River Drive and secondly that the framework had not been built to plan.
We now have an admission from South Tyneside Council that the repair shelter was built without planning permission. This admission had to be prised out of the Council: the Principal Planning Officer, Mr Cunningham was still telling a Residents’ Association at a meeting on November 25th 2013, organised by one of the Ward Councillors that it was built to an approved plan. I would like to point out here that that he had not changed his point of view in correspondence with me in January 2014.
In spite of the admission by the Planning Manager in February 2014 that the repair shelter was not built to approved plans, the Head of Development Services, Mr Mansbridge, would not admit to the fact that it was built 3m higher than approved. In a letter to residents in May he said “The approved dimensions of the steelwork are: Proposed height 15.5m at the River Drive end, Proposed length..” etc. He has not produced any plans that support his view. There are none in the public domain.
This completely changes the complexion of the development on the slipway, River Drive (now UK Docks, formally Tyne Slipway) and I would like you to look into why it has been allowed to be built without planning permission and that the Planning Department are considering an application to build an even larger shed along side the existing one.
I understand that you will be busy with the impending election but may I ask you again to meet with the residents affected by continual disturbance of the ship repair facility allowed to built on River Drive, see their point of view, and give them support in stopping the further expansion of this inappropriately located shipyard.

Kind regards

Michael Dawson
5 Second Avenue
NE65 0EU

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LGO – The Complaint.

The Council have allowed the UK Docks development on Riverside Drive to proceed despite multiple objections from residents and that in dealing with these objections they have neither been open or transparent. It has taken 15 months to gain the admission that the construction did not have planning permission:-
05-Sep-2013 Work began on erecting five steel frames of what was to become a large slipway cover to the surprise and dismay of residents nearby. They were understandably annoyed that they were not given any notice. When contacted a representative of the Council expressed equal surprise. The Principal Planning Officer, Mr Peter Cunningham sent out what were said to be approved plans to Ms M Todd, a neighbour.

  • 25-Nov-2013. A meeting was arranged by Councillor John Anglin between Councillors, Mr Cunningham, and a local residents group including myself. Mr Cunningham again repeated that the shed was neither too wide nor too high and had been built to an approved plan. The slipway cover was said to be ‘legal’.
  • 20-Dec-2013 Mr P Cunningham said in an email to me: “I have measured this on site and have copied the 1996 plans across to you twice already and I have explained during our meeting that the base and height of the structure are compliant…this is the end of the matter as far as I am concerned. He also said “Please do not email me again”
  • 13-Feb-2014 Mr G Atkinson, Planning Manager said that the the current structure is not built to “approved” plans.
    03-Apr-2014 Petition presented to CEO South Tyneside Council. We protest at:-
    1. A lack of relevant information from STMBC
    2. A lack of public consultation on the unannounced construction
    3. Lack of research and impact surveys
    4. Apparent negligence by STMBC
    5. Apparent breach of planning law by the developers
  • 02-May-2014 Mr Mansbridge, Head of Development Services, responded to the Petition and requests that work was stopped on the construction while the issues surrounding the plans were resolved by saying that “Apart from the width these dimensions are either entirely in accordance with the approved plan, or subject to such minor deviation that they are properly categorised as non-material changes”. He also says that “Enforcement action is at the discretion of the Council as Local Planning Authority.”

24-Nov-2014 Michaela Hamilton, Customer Advocacy wrote in an email to me that “I can confirm that as previously advised, the Council accepts that the structure in question does not have planning permission”.

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Major Evasion by Customer Advocacy

Material Variation in Height and Width

—————————- Original Message —————————-
Subject: Inappropriate Development on River Drive. STC ref: 253539 or 248789
Date: Fri, November 21, 2014 3:32 pm
To: “Customer Advocates” <>
Cc: “Melanie Todd”
Dear Alison,
Development at UK Docks Ltd, River Drive
Stage 3 Response – Your ref CX/MH/253539
I have read and considered the reply of 25th September by Michaela Hamilton about this development but before I approach the Local Government Ombudsman I need to know who checks that a structure is built to plan if it is not the Building Control Team.
That it has not been built to plan is, to me, beyond dispute:-
a) it does not look anything like plans 8296/1A etc. (STC choice of plan)
b) it is 3m higher than plan 8296/14 allows. (plan shown on planning portal)
Please read the penultimate paragraph of her (M Hamilton’s) letter which I quote here:-
“The Regarding your query on 5 September 2014 as to whether it is customary for the Council’s Building Control Team to ‘sign off’ a development that is not built to plan, I can confirm that Building Control are only able to consider whether the constructional aspects of a development meet with building regulations. Their role is not to consider whether a development has been built in accordance with any grant of planning permission that may exist. Whether or not a structure has planning permission has no bearing on whether it accords with building regulations.”
Please also read the email (complete trail attached) to Melanie Todd around the same time from your Principal Planning Officer:

Subject: RE: Acknowledgement: UK Docks River Drive site [NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED]
Date: 4 September 2014 12:10:43 BST
To: Melanie Todd
Cc: Customer Advocates , Head of Development Services
Hello – The Head of Development Services is out of the office at the moment and I have been asked to respond to your email – my colleague from the Building Control Team has confirmed that they sent the completion certificate out on June 17th. The final Building Control inspection was on 13th June.
Peter Cunningham
Principal Planning Officer

It would appear from the responses by the Council to queries by affected residents that there is no-one taking responsibility to ensure that developments are built to plan. Please say who is the signatory on the completion certificate as as they will have do until your office can find someone to take responsibility for this planning oversight. I understand that footings completed in 2001, that current structure stands on, were not made to plan either. Please advise who signed the completion certificate for this as well.
Mick Dawson

—————————- Original Message —————————-
Subject: RE: Inappropriate Development on River Drive. STC ref: 253539 or 248789 [PROTECT]
From: “Customer Advocates” <>
Date: Mon, November 24, 2014 11:12 am
To: “Mick Dawson” <> ————————————————————————–
This email has been classified as: PROTECT
Dear Mr Dawson
Thank you for your email dated 21 November 2014 which was forwarded to me for consideration.
I can confirm that as previously advised, the Council accepts that the structure in question does not have planning permission. My Stage 3 response to you dated 25 September 2014 also explained the reasons for the Council’s Head of Development Services’ decision that it was not expedient to take planning enforcement action with respect to the development. I am sorry that I am unable to make these points any more clearly than I already have.
I note your intention to approach the Local Government Ombudsman and this is the correct route for you to now follow if you remain dissatisfied with the Council’s handling of this matter.
Yours sincerely
Michaela Hamilton
Performance and Information Officer
Strategy and Performance.

Note the use of [PROTECT].
She fails to mention the variation in height in her Stage 3 Response and also says in the same response, “I am satisfied that when George Mansbridge made the decision on behalf of the Council that it was not expedient to take planning enforcement action, he was fully aware of the discrepancies noted in your email with regards to the width of the structure and the variation in pillar angle.” However the LGO was later  told by a Senior Planning Officer that there was no material variation in width.

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Closure of Tyne Dock 2

The expansion of the Port of Tyne Biomass Facility

If the biofuel protest lobby in the US and Canada get their way this source of biomass will dry up and we upset Mr Putin the sources in Siberia will stop tomorrow but that is for the people who invest in the Port of Tyne to worry about.

What is of concern for some residents are the consequences of the expansion which required the lengthening of River Quay and the closure of Tyne Dock.

One in particular is the displacement of a ship repair to a primarily residential area across town.

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Closure of Tyne Dock 1

£180m development being done under the radar.

What we do know is that the Port of Tyne could not expand their Biomass Handling Facility ST000314 until they had extended extended their River Quay to join up with the site of the new silos, former Mcnulty’s yard ST019913.  Two inconveniences that would of held up the expansion plans appear to have been fixed with the aid of South Tyneside Council:-

  • There was no mention in the application, nor any protest by UK Docks who leased the Tyne Dock slipway from the Port of Tyne. The business has been relocated to a residential area without any public consultation. For much more see the shed. That there are more suitable places on the Tyne and the Wear is not considered a planning matter by the Planning Office of STC . . .
  • the loss of Readhead’s Landing is probably more significant in the long run because basically the Planners have taken it from the people and given it to the Port of Tyne.

Three looks at the Expansion of the Port of Tyne Biomass Plant.

    1. The Port of Tyne is to invest £180m to develop infrastructure and new facilities to handle the import of wood pellets from North America for Drax power station, which is converting to biomass.eemlogoComprehensive report in Energy and Environment Management, January 25th 2013

    2. The bonfire of insanity: Woodland is shipped 3,800 miles and burned in Drax power station. It belches out more CO2 than coal at a huge cost YOU pay for… and all for a cleaner, greener Britain!
      • Drax Power Station in Yorkshire is switching from coal to biomass pellets
      • The wood for the pellets is transported from North Carolina, U.S.
      • Drax is swapping to pellets as it is deemed ‘carbon neutral’

      If the biofuel protest lobby in the US and Canada get their way the America’s source of biomass will dry up and if we upset Mr Putin any more than we have already have , the sources in Siberia will dry up even quicker. For both the people who invest in the Port of Tyne and the people who care about the environment, this should be an issue . . . . .

    3. Beauty of Biomass

      08 Mar 2012
      Wood pellets need dry storage and lots of it

      Wood pellets need dry storage and lots of it

      Green and virtuous, biomass offers some handling challenges, as Felicity Landon finds out

      As power generators look to biomass as a vital ‘green’ ingredient, for co-firing with coal or firing on its own, many ports see potential big business on the horizon.Logically, ports that have traditionally been part of the supply chain serving coal-fired power stations would be expected to take up the opportunities. But therein lies a problem, or several problems – including dust, risk of fire and/or explosion, and the need for significant areas of covered storage and specialised handling systems.
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Nuisance at Tyne Slipway


To: “” <>
Sent: Monday, 10 March 2014, 15:27
Subject: Nuisance at  Tyne Slipway

I understand you spoke to my wife earlier today re nuisance at Tyne Slipway.
As well as unacceptable levels of noise from around 8.00 a.m. at one point an operative began to dismantle a fibre glass speed boat in the open yard using what appeared to be an angle grinder. This added to the noise but also created fibre glass dust which was not contained. This activity took place less than 30m from residential properties in Harbour View.
When I challenged the behaviour I was told (by somebody senior on the site) that it was an industrial site and I should expect this sort of thing. I stated thata this was in fact a residential area and we intended to do everything in our power to protect our rights.
He told me to ‘ring the council’ in a tone that indicated that in his opinion the authorities were powerless and our rights were unimportant.
I attach a screen shot from some video footage of the aforesaid unacceptable activity (the file size means I can’t send the footage itself)

I’d be grateful if you could confirm receipt and indicate the action that you intend to take.

Kind regards

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One Law for Gypsies another for UK Docks

From: Evelyn
Subject: Re: A article regarding breaking planning
Date: 8 March 2014 13:12:48 GMT

Dear M -in my conversation with Peter Cunningham recently he agreed that the structure is taller and wider than the one which had permission. However he said there  was not enough difference in which to enforce removal etc. He also stated that his department would ensure that all of the neighbours were informed if further planning permission was sought. He also informed me that the MOD contract was for small vessels i.e. Navy patrol boats and canoes etc from Army and that no steel work would be carried out.
However even though our conversation was pleasant enough  – my fears are not allayed   regards Evelyn
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