Dialogue – UKD, Spring 2019

————- Original Message ———————–
Subject: RE: [Fwd: Re: UK Docks / Harbour View Residents Concerns]
From: Local Resident
Date: Wed, May 1, 2019 5:40 pm
To: “Mick Dawson”
Cc: “Cllr Angela Hamilton”

Hi Mick
I appreciate your arguments, but this far down the line there is nothing we can do.
Angela has talked to several relevant people, and the point is the council gave retrospective planning. Which they are allowed to do.
We are working with Angela to negate further issues with the site. It’s all we can do now: limit noise and any other issues If they occur.
Local Resident

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy smartphone.

——– Original message ——–
From: Mick Dawson
Date: 30/04/2019 16:55 (GMT+00:00)
To: Local Resident
Cc: Cllr Angela Hamilton , David Francis , Melanie Todd
Subject: RE: [Fwd: Re: UK Docks / Harbour View Residents Concerns]

Local Resident, You have totally missed the point, well 2 actually:

  • When the footings were set in 2001 they were a meter wider than planned. Which is not a slight variation from the plan. Even the Council admitted that to us when Mr Mansbridge responded to our Petition. Anyone who tells you otherwise is therefore lying.
  • The shed is 2.7 meter higher than planned and whoever tells you that the difference is only slight is also lying. Unfortunately for UK Docks the only approved plans from 1996 show the height of shed at the road end to be 12.7m. The built height at that point is 15.5m.

Ask anyone for proof that the shed is built to the approved height and they either change the subject or say that the difference is only slight. Planning Officer Cunningham has (been) telling that lie since the beginning and you and Angela should be wary of repeating that the variation of the width, and especially the height, is of no consequence. It was because Mr Cunningham would not answer the question of height that we went through the fruitless exercise of raising the TGA.

Cheers Mick

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Cllr A: South Tyneside Council and the Ombudsman

Introductory email to Councillor Hamilton :

Date: Thu, 12 Sep 2019 07:51:39 +0100
From: mick.dawson@theharbourview.co.uk
To: Cllr Angela Hamilton <Cllr.angela.hamilton@southtyneside.gov.uk>
Cc: Cllr David Francis <davidfrancisdrums@hotmail.co.uk>
Cllr Anglin
 <cllr.john.anglin@southtyneside.gov.uk>, Peter Cunningham
 <peter.cunningham@southtyneside.gov.uk>, George Mansbridge
 <george.mansbridge@southtyneside.gov.uk>, Customer Advocates
 <Customer.Advocates@southtyneside.gov.uk>, Stuart Wright
 <Stuart.Wright@southtyneside.gov.uk>, "Gill Hayton (Solicitor)"
 <gill.hayton@southtyneside.gov.uk>, Mike Harding
 <mike.harding@southtyneside.gov.uk>, Graeme Watson
 <watson.graeme@yahoo.com>, Emma Lewell-Buck <lewellbucke@gmail.com>, Stephen  Hepburn MP <hepburns@parliament.uk>
Subject: UK Docks, STC and the LGO - May , 2019
Bcc 24

Dear Angela,
This email outlines what I have detailed in the attached letter. I have used this technique for a while now so that I can reference drawings, emails etc. as evidence to prove my point and the easiest way to do this is via a letter in pdf format.
The trouble we have had over Mr Wilson’s boat shed goes right back to the drawings UK Docks sent to Mr Cunningham the day after they started erecting the frames in September 2013. They were said to represent the shed approved in 1996 but they did not. Although some vital details were missing it did not take much to calculate what they were and determine that the shed was the equivalent to the gradient(2.7m) taller than planned.
As far as I know Melanie was the first to try and get something off the ground but she kept hitting the wall placed by Mr Cunningham repeating that it had been approved. We could see that the plans had not been approved and in spite this the Council continued to insist that it was built in accordance them even after they were presented with evidence to the contrary as shown in:
• email about the width to Cllr Anglin on the 16-Dec-13;
• email about both the width and the height to Planning Enquiries 10-Jan-14.
I, or should I say we, hit the wall when Mr Cunningham just repeated that the dimensions of the shed were according to approved plans when we knew they were not. This was following the meeting in November 2013 used to hide the fact that no enforcement action had been taken. It was obvious that it was taller and wider than planned and one has to question why the structure was not being measured by the building inspector.
The Planning Manager let it slip that we were right about it being too tall but not until he had repeated the misrepresentation that it was built to the approved height using an error on an unauthorised drawing and from then on the Council were stuck with either coming clean or repeating the lie that it had been built to the approved height. One of the earliest instances of them not coming clean was the response to our Petition in May 2014 and they were still repeating it in December 2018.
We requested the Council ask UK Docks to stop work on their shed until the question of the height was sorted out in January 2014 but they either failed to do so or they were told to get lost because work on it carried on regardless and now UK Docks tell you they had permission, retrospectively applied for and granted, for their extended shed. Please see trail below.
Has anyone seen an approved drawing of what we see now? No they haven’t. It does not exist nor does the permission and we have hit the wall of silence again. I asked the Monitoring Officer nearly three months ago to confirm whether they had applied for retrospective planning permission and have not yet received a reply. I think you can take it that they haven’t but you had better ask them for yourself.
Over to you and David Francis, this is above party politics. In fact it is above local politics and that is why I have been copying both MPs into my correspondence. I’m sure South Tyne Council are not the only people using the Ombudsman to hide malpractice and to put up a barrier to any investigation.
Kind regards,
Michael Dawson

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Advice from a solicitor, 26-Jan-16

Pdf copy of letter from Peter Dunn and Co.

A first draft was prepared but it came to 10 about pages and just repeated what I had told him so I decided to write directly to the CEO simply stating the main facts, the approved drawings state 22m x 12.2m x 12.7m(15.5m): 

The dimensions measured by the Council in September are as follows: length 22.254m, width 13.1m, height at the landward end 15.5m and height at the river end 18m. The gradient is 2.7m and there was no dispute about the planned width of 12.2m. There are four drawings available to determine the planned height. Logic rather than opinion dictates that the landward or road end is 13m or less and the river end is 15.5m

The CEO appointed his Corporate Lead to respond and she declared there was no misinformation  given to the Ombudsman.
A misrepresentation  in itself but the CEO has given her authority to use  subsection F (Unreasonable and/or Persistent Complainants) of some staff code to sanction me but it fails on two counts:

  1. There is only one instance from me telling the CEO that the Council have been misleading the Ombudsman;

  2. it is entirely reasonable to tell him that it is taller than the one approved when it is taller than the one approved.

Naturally I point this out to her and also advise her that I sought a solicitors advice:

In my letter to Ms Hoy asking for a copy of your letter to the MP I said was I waiting to hear from the MP, Anne-Marie Trevelyan, before I complained to the LGO about their Inspector’s report. I have not yet complained. I consulted a solicitor about Ms Hoy’s letter because I felt that she was being used by Mr Simmonette to avoid answering the question of the planned height of the shed.

Ms Hoy was being used by Mr Simmonette to avoid answering the question of height and the Corporate Lead has gone further by denying there is anything wrong with the height.

I did complain to the CEO about the conduct of the pair (Mr Simmonette and Mrs Johnson, not Ms Hoy) but my letter remains on file unanswered because he deliberately conflates the complaint with the way the complaint was handled.

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Cllr A: Mail to Melanie

Amble, 16-Jul-19

Dear Melanie,

If I’ve got it right, you were talking about us raising, a month or so back, a freedom of information request (EIR) about UK Docks. You seemed amazed as I was that they were telling people that they had applied for and been granted retrospective planning for their slipway enclosure (Mr Wilson’s boat shed) on River Drive:

“Hi Mick,I appreciate your arguments, but this far down the line there is nothing we can do. Angela has talked to several relevant people, and the point is the council gave retrospective planning. Which they are allowed to do.”

Resident of Harbour View, 1-May-19.

It completely destroys any credit in what the Council have been telling us about Tyne Slipway and later UK Docks for over 5 years i.e. the height of their shed had been approved. There is no evidence of an application being raised let alone one being granted retrospectively. There was no need for one and I refer to the response Mr Cunningham gave you to an enquiry you made in June 2014:

Hello – The Head of Development Services is out of the office at the moment and I have been asked to respond to your email – my colleague from the Building Control Team has confirmed that they sent the completion certificate out on June 17th. The final Building Control inspection was on 13th June.
Principal Planning Officer

Obviously his colleague, Mike Telford, took no measurements or he would have found Mr Wilson’s boat shed (shed) to be nearly a meter wider and nearly three meters taller than planned. In fact I discovered later that Building Control had never measured the shed, see EIR17772, nor was Mr Cunningham’s visit recorded either, see EIR17773.

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Cllr A: Slipway Development, River Drive and the LGO

Date: Tue, 23 Jul 2019 14:26:11 +0100
From: mick.dawson@theharbourview.co.uk
Subject: Cllr A: Slipway Development, River Drive and the LGO
To: Melanie Todd melanietodd@me.com
Cc: Cllr Angela Hamilton Cllr.angela.hamilton@southtyneside.gov.uk, Cllr David Francis davidfrancisdrums@hotmail.co.uk, Cllr Anglin cllr.john.anglin@southtyneside.gov.uk, Andrew Tilbury andrew.tilbury@peterdunn.co.uk, Peter Cunningham peter.cunningham@southtyneside.gov.uk, George Mansbridge george.mansbridge@southtyneside.gov.uk, Customer Advocates Customer.Advocates@southtyneside.gov.uk, Garry Simmonette garry.simmonette@southtyneside.gov.uk, Hayley Johnson Hayley.Johnson@southtyneside.gov.uk, “Gill Hayton (Solicitor)” gill.hayton@southtyneside.gov.uk, Mike Harding mike.harding@southtyneside.gov.uk, Graeme Watson watson.graeme@yahoo.com, Emma Lewell-Buck MP emma.lewell-buck.mp@parliament.uk, Stephen Hepburn MP hepburns@parliament.uk, Stuart Wright Stuart.Wright@southtyneside.gov.uk

Dear Melanie,
I adopted this format of an introductory email and attached letter shortly after I raised a complaint about Cllr Anglin in September last year – it allows for a large number of cross references or URLs and I can copy it onto the web-site.
Most of those above have been copied for information and a few because I am calling them something wicked. I’d be a hypocrite if I called them behind their backs by leaving of the list. If Customer Advocacy wish to tell Mr Swales what is going on it is up to them.
The two MPs are included because I wrote to them when I realised things were going awry, before we received the final draft from the Ombudsman, the big giveaway being that her draft and the last effort by STC did not mention the height of the shed at all. I’ll have to write separately Anne-Marie as her office think I am still in Shields. In the end it will have to be the MPs that handle this. The Local Government Ombudsman is no longer serving the public!
You may wonder what took me so long to get things into perspective but on a visit to South Shields last Summer I thought I’d go and look at my old house in Greens Place and I saw Graeme, or rather saw him hiding behind the rear door of his car. He clearly did not wish to be seen which was stupid but it reminded me of the meeting he, Haig and I met with the Cllrs and Peter Cunningham at the Town Hall. I had never seen anyone at a meeting look so uncomfortable in all my life and I remembered why. He and Cllr Anglin were both responsible for making it fail, and Haig was not helping so I looked to the minutes of the TGA again and sure enough there was lots to go on.
I also remembered a warning I had given to Emma about him, Cllr Anglin that is, while UK Docks were extending their shed in August 2017 and she replied that I really should complain to the Monitoring Officer and so I did on September 19th but I chose the meeting for starters. The main course is not served yet and I’ll leave Sunday working for pudding.
What I really feel about the response three months later is best left unsaid but you will get a feel of it from the attached letter.
I’ll see what happens over the recess and get back to you when Boris has seen sense and revoked Article 50. Ha – in the meantime if any of the links are of equal nonsense please let me know.


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No Answers at All

In the Planning Manager’s response to my proposition that UK Docks had built their shed on River Drive some 3m tall and a meter wider than planned he replied that it was not. He cited an error on and unauthorised plan regarding the height and told a lie about the width:

The dimensions of the steelwork have been checked on site and they are in accordance with the measurements shown on the approved drawings. The variation in the angle of the pillars is not considered to be material.

The drawings show the width as 12.2m but the shed is 13.1m wide. In fact the approved drawing shows that the shed is 2.7m higher than permitted. The drawing he quotes is not approved because of errors on it.
The proposition also raised four questions and the dialogue is shown below and I have added a commentary which shows he has evaded them all:

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This is the nearest to a properly considered complaint or observation I have come across in my dealings with South Tyneside Council but it goes awry as soon as I loose its reference or identification number. An exception being 274396 which was handled by Customer Advocacy.

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Job No 274396 (EIR for Screen Prints)


Copied to my mailbox because the Council tend to ignore complaints they do not wish to answer and the original complaint will no longer exist. If they do respond, it will not be to answer the question or help resolve a complaint and experience has shown that the response is at best irrelevant but more likely to be a misrepresentation and a fraudulent one at that. This happens when dealing with corrupt bodies such as South Tyneside Council or the Local Government Ombudsman and it is a wise precaution to make a secure copy of the original complaint. Continue reading

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The Mansbridge Trap

Set on 2nd June 2014 – after he deleted 248789 and substituted it with 253539

This was a meeting arranged between the Head of Development Services and I to discuss the Agent’s drawing produced in August 2013 to meet 4th Condition of the Grant of 1996. I had requested the meeting to illustrate to him that a slipway cover was not built to the planned height or to put it another way, the river end had a planned height of 15.5m rather than the landward end. The gradient between the ends is 2.7m

The Planning Manager brought two drawings to the meeting, 8296/1A and 8296/2. He did not bring the Agent’s drawing, 8296/14 * so the meeting was a waste of time and after I told the meeting that 8296/1A showed both ends of the cover as the same height, it was effectively bought to an end.

Being nothing else to discuss and the meeting not being minuted, I told them instead, what I thought about UK Docks monopoly and corrupting influence of the Port of Tyne had over the planning decisions by the Council.
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Dear Alison 20-May-2019

Please see my email below and answer the question. In the meantime please forward this letter to the Head of Legal Services along with Mr Tilbury’s advice given to me on the 26th January 2016 which I have attached. What had prompted me to seek his advice was your email to me of 9th December 2015 and please forward a copy of that to the Head of Legal Services as well if he is not Mike Harding.

Mr Tilbury said it was not really a planning matter at all, more a case of criminal fraud but the police were unlikely to take it up because they tend to refer planning matters to the civil court and that could get very expensive and Mr Cunningham and Co. would get away with incompetence or something like it. This is why we agreed that ‘misleading the Local Government Ombudsman’ (Ombudsman) was the best way forward. Continue reading

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