To Monitoring: 19-Sep-18

Nothing was highlighted in the email to the monitor.
The emphasis in bold is to highlight the fact that there is no evidence to back up UK Docks/STC’s claim that the shed was approved. The only authorised documents show the shed to be nearly 3m taller than the approved height.

Dear Monitoring Officer,
I have a complaint about the conduct of Councillor John Anglin re the Town Hall meeting 25-Nov-13.
A meeting in November 2013 with the Council was arranged by Councillor Anglin, about the height and width of the cover on UK Docks slipway on River Drive in South Shields and to get any evidence that it had been built to plan but we were told that it was compliant i.e. it had been approved and the meeting promptly moved on to speculation about further expansion of the yard.
We, the Residents were given to believe that the meeting was to be formal, and so it should have been:

I believe the number of seats in the Town Hall Members Room is limited, so I would not anticipate having more that 4-5 committee members present. John and Audrey will also be there, along with Peter and possibly someone from the planning department as well. I would infer this will be a structured meeting and standard protocols and meeting ethics will apply.Chair of the Tyne Gateway Ass. to the Secretary, 20-Nov-13.

It appeared that there was no agenda for the meeting (one could say that there was none needed as the meeting had been arranged to determine whether the cover was built to authorised plans or not), there were no minutes taken (attachment 1) and no documentation provided to back up the claim that it met the second condition of the grant in 1996. It transpired that it did not; it was built without planning permission being both too high and too wide.
I made the point to Councillor Anglin that it had been built wider than planned but he did not even acknowledge my complaint (the drawings provided by the Council gave confusing messages regarding the height so I just mentioned the width). The meeting had not addressed any agenda regarding the plans and was moved away from whether is was approved or not, to a second possible application to build another shed bu the Planning Officer, Mr Peter Cunningham.
Councillor Anglin allowed this to happen and to complete the charade Mr Cunningham said we had requested the meeting when really we had not. Councillor Anglin had told the Residents he would go to the Council and get clarity:

Cllr A would like clarity on height and how measured, original drawings show height from back of site down to river as 12m – if incorrect information, Cllr A will go back with a vengeance. Minutes, Tyne Gateway Assn. 9-Nov-13.

We thought he would get no further with Mr Cunningham than we had in two months of trying and so accepted that we should attend a formal meeting to see what would happen. It appears we were outsmarted by the Council because the meeting was down-graded, no evidence was provided to back their claim that the cover was authorised and Councillor failed to achieve what he had promised the TGA he would do i.e. get clarity.
This ultimately lead to the Council misinforming the Local Government Ombudsman on two counts:
22 – told them a more senior officer checked the measurements when in fact it was I that told Cllr Anglin and and therefore the Council about the departure from plans;
23 – It decided the degree of departure from the plans – less than one metre – was “non-material.”*

I think it reasonable to say that the Councillor Anglin’s conduct over the meeting lead to a Senior Planning having to mislead the Ombudsman to hide the misconduct at the meeting of 25-Nov-13. I have tried to challenge him about this since but have failed to get a response.
Yours sincerely,
Michael Dawson

* In response to our Petition we were told: Apart from the width these dimensions are either entirely in accordance with the approved plan, or subject to such minor deviation that they are properly categorised as non-material changes. It was following queries raised in mid-January that that the plans were re-examined. We discovered that the overall width of the steelwork at ground level was shown as 12.2m on the plan, not 12.9m as previously understood.

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Cllr A: Complaint about a Councillor 19-Sep-18

Dear Monitoring Officer,
I have a complaint about the conduct of Councillor John Anglin re the Town Hall meeting 25-Nov- 13.
A meeting in November 2013 with the Council was arranged by Councillor Anglin, about the height and width of the cover on UK Docks slipway on River Drive in South Shields and to get any evidence that it had been built to plan but we were told that it was compliant i.e. it had been approved and the meeting promptly moved on to speculation about further expansion of the yard.

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Back to Square 1.

Complaint Initiation 10 January 2014

From: M Dawson > To:
The first thing to notice is that the complaint was sent to Planning Enquiries not Mr Cunningham. As Principal Planning Officer he would be able to vet all incoming emails re planning. My complaint was removed from the normal complaints procedure.

  • I had already shown he had mislead us about the width and the complaint contained evidence that he had also misled us about the planned height.
  • The Complaint went down a black hole. Mr Cunningham had effectively binned it by referring back to the meeting, 25-Nov-13, at which he said the the base and height were compliant though ‘legal’ was the term used by one of the Ward Councillors, John Anglin with, reference to the same meeting.
  • The Drawings Mr Cunningham used showed both ends of the shed to be 15.5m but given that the gradient of the slipway was 2.7m there should be that difference between them. Only one can be said to represent the planned height of the shed and it is not the road end see 8296/2 retrieved by the Council from their archive.
  • I used the Agent’s drawing  8296/14 which had been approved by his manager on October 14th 2013 as it showed a river gable end of 15.6m or 16m depending on the how one scaled it and this gave a road end height of 12.7m.
  • Mr Cunningham was then in a bind because he either had to admit that the residents were right all along  about the height or somehow avoid answering this complaint.
  • I had also put in writing that the shed was also too wide which we all now know was a material consideration and it was when Mr Cunningham measured it in September. He was now in a double bind because an enforcement notice should have been issued then on either count.
  • He should have come clean at the meeting but it looks like  Mr Haig, one of the representatives, made sure that did not happen, from the minutes of a meeting a few hour later: – KH advised that they had seen the plans which were date stamped 1996, the structure is 15.5m. Proper drawings were on file and there is nothing illegal about the structure.
  • When he saw the  complaint it was his choice to concede that I was correct but he passed it back to the Chair of the TGA:-
    From: Peter Cunningham
    To: M Dawson
    Date: Mon, 13 Jan 2014 10:19:18
    Subject: FW: Slipway Development - Work Continues [NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED]
    Mr Dawson, I responded to you this morning as follows:
    The queries that you raise are not new, indeed I have been repeating my response to them for some time now, and you will recall that I explained the planning aspect of the Council’s position to you regarding this development during our meeting. This meeting included the chair and representatives of your residents group, and Councillors Anglin and McMillan. This meeting was requested by the residents and it was arranged by the Councillors.
    My understanding is that the responses that I had provided to you at this meeting enabled the matter to be closed.
    May I therefore suggest that you speak with the Chair of the residents group in respect of the points that you have raised below, as these have already been discussed and explained. If you are still not satisfied with the Council’s response then you should use the Council’s complaints procedure which has 3 stages.
    Peter Cunningham
    Principal Planning Officer

    1. His responses were evasive because the approved drawings 8296/2 and 14 were evidence that we were right when the other resident and I, with the exception of Chair of the Residents Group claimed that the shed was taller than planned.
    2. To put it bluntly he lied to us about the shed being approved. He said the shed was compliant with a mistake on drawings that were not approved, 8296/1A and 1B.
    3. Instead of considering the complaint he wished to take me back to square 1:- If you are still not satisfied with the Council’s response then you should use the Council’s complaints procedure which has 3 stages. I did not wish to go back, and as he had enclosed a copy of South Tyneside Councils own guidence on complaints that indicated that I should refer the complaint up the management and I did. We are left to guess why Mr Cunningham  did not own up to the fact that the shed was taller than at the meeting when he would have just got a ticking off for incompetence.

  • What happened next was that his Manager backed him by reintroducing the initial misrepresentation about the height by using a virtually identical drawing to the one given to Mr Cunningham by UK Docks when they first startrd erecting the frames for the shed. Under the title of approved drawings he said:- The drawing that was submitted on 11th April 1996 with the application is numbered 8296/1A. That shows the overall height of the structure as 15.5m above the foundation level at the landward end.
    That was in an email to M Dawson In January 2014, and was a fraudulent misrepreasentation but he
  • This lead to Senior Managers ignoring complaints about his staff, another sham meeting and eventually to the Ombudsman being deliberately misinformed. All to maintain the lie that the shed was not nearly 3m too tall.

Continue reading

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Mr Wilson’s Drawing


Note that the overall width of the plan is 12,200 or 12.2m.

Elevation: the centre of the dimension is about where the 1 of the 12500 is, and the 3000 finishes about half way to that or a quarter and 3 is a quarter of twelve, not fifteen. The 3m should therefore be included in the 12.5m and not added to it . The road elevation is about 12.5m or more correctly 12.8m (15.5m* less the gradient of 2.7m) and will be to the end of time, regardless of what South Tyneside Council tell the Ombudsman. Note that this drawing is an amendment to 1A made in Feb 1997. It is the drawing that was presented to the Ombudsman by the Council. I presented 8296/14 which includes a scale drawing (1:100) of the river gable end which is 16m tall.

* the dimension at the river end of the shed is 12.5m + 3m  – centre top below:

MD 8 -Nov-18

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8296/14 – Misrepresentations

UK Docks have built a slipway cover on their slipway on River Drive 2.7m taller than planned. They have been allowed to do this because South Tyneside Council say that it is not taller than planned. They base this misrepresentation about the height on unauthorised drawings and if one examines the only authorised drawing from 1996 with a dimensions then one can see that the deception about the shed’s height is more than a misrepresentation.
I have used the drawing, 8296/14, provided by the agents, Maughan Reynolds Partnership Ltd because it was drawn in August 2013 and would have included any authorised amendments made since the approval given in 1996 and when work was restarted on the shed (cover or enclosure) in September 2013  . Continue reading

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The Fraud

The footings of which there are six were laid 13.1m apart in 2001. Planning permission was for five laid 12.2m apart. This was not illegal but to say that they were approved is fraudulent.

When UK docks laid the footings for the slipway cover they made them for a structure with a footprint bigger than that for which they had permission. We do not know what was said between the UK Docks and the building inspector but we do know that the non compliance was not reported (or if it was, no enforcement action was taken). Continue reading

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An Inescapable Truth

There are two drawings that show a height for the landward end of the shed of 15.5m and neither were approved because it was a mistake made by the draftman in 1996. Why the Council do not hold a corrected one has never been explained but it matters not because there is one approved drawing from 1996 that survived and it is 8296/2

The detail used by Planning, repeated by the Head of Development Services in his response to our Petition is a mistake on a drawing 8296/1A or 1B and in his fraudulent Stage 2 responses is a mistake on a drawing 1A.

After the shortcomings of 1A, see below, were pointed out to the Ombudsman South Tyneside Council reverted to the use of 1B.


8296/2 is the only authorised drawing from 1996 in the Council’s possession with dimensions. The detail on the left hand side gives an approved height of the landward gable of 12.7m.

Height = 12.7m (roof = 108.8 and base = 96.1m at landward end)

Even where these heights have been removed from the drawing as in the case of the copy sent to the Planning Office on day 2, one can still estimate the true planned height by using the gradient on the elevation of the shed. It makes the river end about 16m and therefore a landward end of about 13m. Not the 15.5m measured in September 2013.


One should perhaps use this drawing rather than 8296/2 because it would have included any authorised amendments made since 1996 and was approved by the Council 14-Oct-2013.

It includes the change in angle of the sides. The main thing to notice is that the planned height of the landward end was not changed and remains at 12.7m, the gable end on the drawing being about 16m.

8296/1A and 1B

The drawings used by UK Docks and their promoter South Tyneside Council are either 8296/1A or 1B which are not authorised and both contain  the same fundamental drawing error.

9840 or 9750 depending on which drawing is used

Even without using a scale ruler on a full sized drawing one can see that the dimension at the landward elevation of the shed is wrong. The 3000, roughly a quarter of the whole, nearly half way to a mid point line, confirms this and three is a quarter of 12 not 15.

The River End The first drawings seen did not show the true height of the river end.
If one looks at the top of either drawing one will see that the river end is shown as 15.5m as well and as there is a gradient (2.7m) between the ends and only one of them can reflect the planned height of the roof or the roof would slope downwards toward the river. It does not, so the landward end = 13.3m (river end – gradient) which agrees with the authorised drawing from 1996 – see 8296/2 at top.

Shed height from detail on 8296/2: Authorised 1996

Working from the River End gives 12.8m at Landward End

Neither 1A nor 1B were approved and anyone who says or implies otherwise is intending to misinform; 8296/1B was an amendment made to 1A in 1997 and sent to the Ombudsman as an approved document from 1996 to compound the lie.

Posted in LGO, Misinformation/Misrepresentation, Planning | 1 Comment

Barrier to Complaint about Sunday Working

From: Michael Dawson
Sent: 20 December 2016 15:53
To: Complaints
Subject: Re: Sunday Working by UK Docks, River Drive.
Dear Sir or Madam,
This is the second time in a few weeks that they have been working on a Sunday. Please acknowledge this complaint as I wish to take the issue up with the ward Councillor who organised the meeting – see below.
Kind regards,
Michael Dawson Continue reading

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Barrier to Complaints about Noise

From: Michael Dawson
Sent: 16 February 2017 13:32
To: Complaints
Subject: Noise – UK Docks, River Drive.

Dear Madam or Sir,

I wish to complain about the noise from the slipway, yesterday 15th Feb:

  1. firstly a banging noise metal on metal (something like scale removal) repeated several times during the morning. This was sufficiently loud to carry across the noise of the factories immediately below where I live.
  2. secondly the noise of the compressor used for cleaning/sandblasting. This was observed while waiting next to the Tubular Office Furniture works.

Yours sincerely
Michael Dawson Continue reading

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Criminal v Civil Action

Dear Julie,

UK Docks and Property Sale.

Thank you for the reference ‘Local Government: abuse of Power’ by the Law Gazette. It is more relevant to the issues which have arisen from my dealings with the Shields Estate Agents. Not only has a building surveyor all but said that it needs a new roof and rewiring but he does not appear to have signed his report. There is also a rumour that the new bathroom and bedroom have been built without planning permission and on top of that an unknown source has misrepresented the Grade 2 listing for 68,69 and 70 Greens Place to Goldfinch. This last one points directly to the Town Hall as its source and there is no reason to think the others have not arisen there either.

So with this much pressure you must bear with me if I lose it occasionally or more precisely, get my priorities wrong, each month that goes by I’m paying out a considerable sum in Council tax, insurance and utility bills and a small mortgage until I get the property sold. Continue reading

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