Denial by Planning Manager

The first misrepresentation is the inclusion of 8296/1A in the section on Approved Drawings and the second one is quoting the incorrect dimension (12.5m – it should be 9.8m) on the landward of the cover.
The denial which occurs towards the end of the email is emphasised in italics and a criticism has been added in blue. Continue reading

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Denials by Principal Planning Officer

First Denial

The meeting at the Town Hall on 24th November 2013. Notice the use of ‘legal’ to mean compliant or built to approved plans. Notice also that he has grouped me in with the other two residents. The other two are local businessmen with an interest in ship repair yards.

Second  Denial

I had overlooked the response of Councillor Anglin because of the Third Denial a day later. This was in response to my email informing him, his fellow Councillors and Residents that the shed had not been built to the correct width:

Please see below the reply from Peter (Cunningham).

” Hello – I confirmed at our meeting with Mr Dawson and others on 25th Sept Nov 2013 that I had measured the width and length of the ground floor external footprint and height of the structure and that these dimensions were all in accordance with the attached approved drawing and planning permission.

Councillor Anglin, 19-Dec-13

The strike-through is my correction. The first response was within an hour and from Mr Cunningham: Mr Dawson – when did you get access to measure the structure on site ?
I did not need access to measure the structure as it could be done quite accurately from Greens place. Continue reading

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TGA – Request for SGM

From: Member of Tyne Gateway Association.
To: Chairman TGA
Cc: Committee Members, TGA
Sent: Wednesday, October 16, 2013 10:38 PM
Subject: Re: Request for SGM of Tyne Gateway

Request for SGM of Tyne Gateway

Dear Chairman,
In reply to your email sent earlier today, yes I am aware that a General Meeting has been called. I am a bit confused as to why this has not happened earlier as my first request was sent on 06/09/2013, and I was notified on the 12/10/2013 that an AGM had been arranged for 09/11/2013, 65 days after my initial request. I have attached the proposed agenda.
As have several other concerned residents, I have been in contact with STMBC since the start of the construction at the Tyne Slipway site, and several issues and inconsistencies have been noted by all of us. Your comment “…I am not entirely sure what can be done at this point.” is exactly why I requested a General Meeting, so that residents could share and discuss thoughts, Continue reading

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TGA – Chair to Mem

Received on 16/10/2013

Member of Tyne Gateway Association,

You will be aware from the e-mail from the Secretary, that a meeting has been called as requested. As such can you outline what exactly it is that you are proposing to cover and achieve at the meeting; it would obviously be of benefit to have a full agenda prepared to structure the meeting. I am fully aware of the situation at the Tyne Slipway, but am also aware that planning permission was granted by the council in 1996 as per the planning application; whilst the structure is obviously a major obstruction with regard to our view over the river I am not entirely sure what can be done at this point. If anything can be done at this point I have no doubt that it would be supported by the members of the Tyne Gateway. As an aside to that, I have no problem with calling a meeting at any point, or for any specific reason, but I do not take kindly to the bullish tone of your e-mails; I understand your concerns as a neighbour and resident – I do not have any conflict of interests and am not sure what would make you think such a thing.


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TGA – 3rd request for Meeting

Sent on 09/10/2013
This will be my third request for you as the Chairman of the Tyne Gateway Association to call a Special General Meeting with the required 21 days notice. If you have some particular reason for not calling a SGM could you please advise me why. If the subject of the SGM causes you a conflict of interest you should declare this and allow your deputy to call the meeting.
The Tyne Gateway was specifically set up to address the issues arising from such developments as we are now witnessing at the Tyne Slipway site.The Vision and Aims of the constitution of the Tyne Gateway Association are very clear.
More than two weeks have been wasted since my first request, wasted time that cannot be afforded.
Member of Tyne Gateway Association.

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TGA – 2nd request for Meeting

Sent on 19/09/2013
Dear Chairman,
Thank you for your email. I’m not a committee member of the Tyne Gateway Association but I am a member and that is why I have asked for a Special General Meeting, particularly given the urgency of the situation regarding the unannounced development on River Drive and as there has not been a general meeting for over 12 months. As I understand it  all general meetings  require 21 days notice. I believe the Secretary has the membership list. It has also been the convention to publicise General meetings locally. Please call a Special General Meeting for a date as soon as the constitution permits to discuss the development at River Drive. I attach a copy of the planning permission and approved drawing as received the day after construction began from Peter Cunningham, principal planning officer, STMBC.
Thank you.
Member of Tyne Gateway Association.

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TGA Committee Members

Sent on 13/09/2013

Dear all,
According to a list I’ve hunted out you are all committee members of the Tyne Gateway Association, which is why you are all receiving this email. I am writing  with a request for an Emergency General Meeting to be called at the earliest opportunity.Last week I requested that the Chairman called an EGM, but as yet I have received no response.
The Tyne Gateway is a constituted group which was set up in response to the proposed development to be sited down at the SAFT Battery Factory, which we collectively were successful in halting. We now are faced, for those of you who are not aware, with a new development which has been pushed under the radar, and is in the middle of being constructed at the Tyne Slipway & Engineering yard on River Drive. Many residents in Greens Place and at Harbour View have united in gaining information from STMBC relating to this development and have started campaigning for the development to be halted while consultation is undertaken with local residents. I believe that this is the very situation Tyne Gateway was set up to address as a united voice for it’s membership.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Kind regards,
Member of Tyne Gateway Association.

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TGA Request meeting – Chair

Sent on 06/09/2013

To the Chair of Tyne Gateway

Dear Chairman,
Please convene an emergency general meeting of all members and or prospective members of the Tyne Gateway Association to discuss the development on River Drive of the new shipyard which commenced without notice either from the companies and construction firm involved or from the Local Authority.

Thank you,
Member of Tyne Gateway Association.

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Closure of Tyne Dock 1

Given to the People by Sir John Readhead.

After extensive research by South Tyneside Council’s Legal Services Department, it has been established that the authority does not own Readhead’s Landing on the riverside at South Shields. Despite this, the Council has moved to protect public safety and has made the site, off Commercial Road, safe and secure. The pedestrian gate at Readhead’s Landing was locked by an adjoining landowner some time ago because of health and safety concerns. Now the Council has secured the entire site to protect the public. And although it is not legally required to do so, the authority is investigating the costs of a provisional clean-up to rid the site of rubbish dumped by fly-tippers and algae which is coating the concrete slipway. Councillor Michael Clare, Lead Member Neighbourhood Services and a Simonside and Rekendyke Ward Member, said: “Even though the Council does not own this land, we take our duty of care very seriously. “That is why we have moved to protect the public from possible injury by securing the side gate at Readhead’s Landing and investigating the possibility of cleaning up the site. Even if this work is done, however, it would not solve the considerable health and safety issues associated with public access to the Landing.
STC, 2005

From 2013 when all the landing were disappearing!

Taken from the people and given to Port of Tyne by a Planning Officer of South Tyneside Council.
The Port of Tyne erected a 6ft tall fence at the bottom of Readhead’s Landing, off Commercial Road in South Shields, as a security measure.
Read more: Unfortunately deleted: A DECISION to fence off an historic riverside right of way has been labelled “health and safety gone mad”.
But the move has angered protesters, who have been fighting for more than a year to retain the landing for public use.
The port is pushing ahead with a £180m extension of its Riverside Quay, which involves filling in the remaining front section of Tyne Dock.
The work is required to provide additional berthing for ships, as part of a massive renewable energy expansion plan, which would create hundreds of jobs.
The plans require the closure of the landing, the town’s only remaining direct public access to the river.

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